The Middle East Is Always At War Because The West Keeps Pushing It That Way

5 months ago

The Middle East Is Always At War Because The West Keeps Pushing It That Way

Oct. 2, 2024


Caitlin Johnstone

The only reason the rest of the world got to cool down a bit after the world wars while the middle east remained embroiled in violence and chaos was because the west inserted this alien splinter of settler-colonialism into the region while constantly deliberately fomenting war and unrest.

I hate when people say “Bah the middle east has always been at war, it’s just how they are.” No you asshole, it’s been at war because of western interventionism and Israel. Sure it was at war before Israel, but so was the entirety of Europe throughout its entire history. The only reason the rest of the world got to cool down a bit after the world wars while the middle east remained embroiled in violence and chaos was because the west inserted this alien splinter of settler-colonialism into the region while constantly deliberately fomenting war and unrest.

There’s nothing freakish or unusual about the middle east or Islam that makes its people violent, it just happens to be where a lot of the oil is, so the west keeps poking and prodding it to ensure that it’s always divided against itself and dominated by western-friendly dictators. That’s all we’ve been looking at there.

My favorite Israel apologist line is “Well what did they THINK was gonna happen when they attacked Israel?” As though going “Yeah obviously Israel is gonna butcher a bunch of civilians if you try to resist it, duh” is a complete defense of Israel’s criminality.

It’s like, yes, Israel commits horrifying massacres against populations which oppose it whenever it can find an excuse to do so. That is the problem that people are trying to point to. Going “Of course Israel killed thousands of kids, it’s Israel!” is supportive of MY position, not yours.

Funny how hard western narrative managers are thumping this “Hezbollah is a terrorist organization” doctrine, considering the empire just spent years calling Al Qaeda affiliates in Syria “moderate rebels” and is currently arming Nazi militias in Ukraine.

Imagine being such a groveling, bootlicking cuck that you’d call an organization a “terrorist” group just because your government told you that’s what you should call them.

Americans: hurricane relief please

Washington: Sorry did you say send thousands more troops to the middle east to support Israeli warmongering?

Americans: no, hurricane relief

Washington: Okay you drive a hard bargain but those troops are on their way to the middle east right now.

Think about all the evil deeds the next US president is going to have to sign their name to in the coming months, and then think about what kind of sick fuck would want to do such a thing, and you immediately understand why both candidates are such colossal pieces of shit.

Reading by Tim Foley

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I write about the end of illusions. 100% reader-funded writer. All works co-authored with my American husband Tim Foley.


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