Season 3 Episode 17: SPIRIT of LAWLESSNESS Reveals The Coming DARKNESS When no one can WORK

4 months ago

Originally aired 9/28/24. Friends, there is a lot going on, the UN is meeting and planning to take over the sovereignty of every nation, Israel is FINALLY fighting back against the Incessant BULLY of Hezbollah, and REMARKABLY, they take great pains to WARN the innocent residents of Lebanon before they strike these large missile and munitions caches Hezbollah has stored all over the south of Lebanon among the civilian population.

And of course, we just witnessed the MOST DIRECT TARGETING of combatants in HISTORY, as Israel pulled of their long-planned plot of blowing up the communications devices used by HEZBOLLAH ONLY.

Amazing, But just a SHADOW of the things to come.

Last Episode, we closed out REV chapter 21 with the Amazing promise of verse 27 for complete peace and righteousness in the New Heavens and the New earth, and especially the Holy City of New Jerusalem, the Spiritual City of Zion:

Rev 21:27 But there shall by no means enter it anything that DEFILES, or causes an ABOMINATION or a LIE, but ONLY THOSE who are written in the LAMB'S BOOK OF LIFE.

And we must understand what a JUST and LOVING God we have, that He created us in HIS IMAGE, to not only have the gifts of intellect, and creativity, and emotions for relationships, and to appreciate the beauty of LOVE and creation, but He also GRACIOUSLY gave us FREE WILL. We have the FREE WILL to chose our own path, whether to LOVE HIM, and to FOLLOW HIM, and to appreciate and love the things that are RIGHT and TRUE.
And so, in our Sunday Episode, we began REV 22, so let’s Review those verses.

So in REV 22 verses 3-7, we read that there shall be NO MORE CURSE, and we know that the CURSE is the DEATH and CORRUPTION of creation because when Adam and Eve sinned, they CORRUPTED perfect creation, and therefore all of HUMANITY experienced SPIRITUAL DEATH and SEPARATION from our HOLY God.

So Revelation is a VITAL BOOK that believing Christians are INSTRUCTED to READ and KNOW, and to be READY for His RETURN—and to WARN OTHERS.

Season Watch airs Saturdays and Sundays at 3:00 pm in San Diego on K-Praise AM 1210 and FM 106.1 North County in San Diego:

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