Ignite Kingdom Talk | S6E11 | Katie Souza

4 months ago

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This episode’s guest is Katie Souza.

Katie Souza’s testimony is a journey of miraculous and contagious transformation in the grace and goodness of God. From career criminal to outspoken advocate for Jesus, her dramatic conversion birthed an ardent and infectious love for Jesus that started with numerous women in her cell block coming to know the Lord and continues to this day, as Katie and her team minister to over 4,000 prisons around the world.

She writes, teaches, produces a television program (which is broadcast around the world) and travels extensively. She visits prisons several times each year to teach inmates how to hear from God and to demonstrate that they too can achieve what God has promised and planned for them. Katie and her team have seen thousands of miraculous healings (including metal disappearing) while she ministers in prisons.

Learn more and dive Katie’s life changing courses at KatieSouza.com

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