The Temporary Mask | 1 Samuel 21:12-15

4 months ago

Are you wearing a temporary mask or a permanent one?

Welcome to the Daily Devo. I am Vince Miller.

This week, we are in Chapter 21 of 1 Samuel. I've titled this chapter "Man On The Run."

Yesterday, David ran to Gath, the former home of Goliath, with Goliath's sword. The King of Gath realizes he is there, so let's see what David decides to do next. Let's read 1 Samuel 21:12-15:

And David took these words to heart and was much afraid of Achish the king of Gath. So he changed his behavior before them and pretended to be insane in their hands and made marks on the doors of the gate and let his spittle run down his beard. Then Achish said to his servants, "Behold, you see the man is mad. Why then have you brought him to me? Do I lack madmen, that you have brought this fellow to behave as a madman in my presence? Shall this fellow come into my house?" — 1 Samuel 21:10-12

So we discover that David is not just a shepherd, poet, musician, lover, and warrior but also an actor. Is there anything this strapping young man cannot do? And it is believable! He drools on himself and writes a little graffiti on the city's walls, and the King falls for it. David is labeled a madman. I assume that since he had seen King Saul act like a madman and got away with it, maybe he assumed he could get away with it, too. I don't know for sure, but it worked!

But what captured my attention today is the stark contrast between Saul's tactics in Gibeah and David's in Gath. Saul surrounds himself with sanity to hide his insanity. David uses insanity to hide his sanity. For some reason, Achish's pronouncement of his insanity provides him with temporary safety until he can escape to the coming location.

Occasionally, wearing a temporary mask is necessary in life-threatening situations. Enemies surrounded David; therefore, temporary pretending was needed to preserve his life. The problem is that many use this tactic as a perpetual means to maintain a persona that is not remotely true. Therefore, their playacting becomes a perpetual lie they tell about themselves.

But this is not true of David. David's act was only temporary. While publicly pretending, he privately anchored his mind and soul to the truth about God in God's Word (as revealed this week in Psalm 34 and Psalm 56). This was not a permanent act by David, only temporary until he found a means of escape.

If you must wear a mask as a temporary shield against an enemy, do so sparingly. Don't fake it until you make it, and then continue with the act only to become a fake. And since this is usually not needed, stop pretending, be authentic, take off the mask, and trust in God.

#DavidOnTheRun, #AuthenticityInFaith, #TrustingGod

Ask This:
In what areas of your life do you feel pressured to wear a mask or pretend to be someone you're not? How can you seek God's truth to find your authentic self?
David used a temporary act to escape danger, but he anchored his heart to God's truth. How can you balance the need for self-protection in difficult situations with a commitment to living authentically in your faith?
Do This:
Stop pretending and take off the mask.

Pray This:
Father, help me discern when it’s necessary to wear a temporary mask for my protection while staying rooted in Your truth. Grant me the courage to remove false facades and embrace my authentic self as I navigate life’s challenges. Amen.

Play This:
Let My Life Be Worship.

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