SimpleBiz360 Podcast - Episode #259: THINKING WE DID WHAT WE NEVER DID

3 months ago

#3bti5m #3biztips
How many well-intentioned thoughts never convert into actions? Better yet, how many times do we convince ourselves that we actually executed these actions?

After 35 years of closely observing various business situations, it appears the divide between thoughts and actions is growing wider. Who really knows the reasons why, but the trend is crystallizing right before my eyes. Many times, we think we said hello, but we didn’t. Or, we think we volleyed a reciprocating question, but it never came out of our mouth. Or, we think we
sent that email, when in fact we did not! This trend seems to be affecting our professional and personal lives. As the Experience Economy puts more, and more weight on impressions from the transactional micro-journeys, the necessity to parlay thoughts into actions grows stronger for each professional operator. Join us for an “out of the box” episode that will stimulate some thinking, and actions.

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