Wiltshire Weirdness, Dawn Sturgess Inquiry: Novichok Poisoning—Where Are the Skripals? - UK Column

5 months ago

Wiltshire Weirdness, Dawn Sturgess Inquiry: Novichok Poisoning—We're Still Asking, Where Are the Skripals?
Full news and all the source links: www.ukcolumn.org/video/uk-column-news-2nd-october-2024
- The Dawn Sturgess Inquiry: This is an independent Inquiry into the circumstances of Dawn Sturgess’ death in Salisbury on 8 July 2018
- BBC (2018): Amesbury poisoning: Experts confirm substance was Novichok
- Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons: Technical Secretariat: S/1671/2018 (PDF)
- Security Council Report: S/PV.8237
“[…] would like to say a word about the use of the term Novichok. It is a term that we use to describe such chemicals. We use the Russian term for such nerve agents. The OPCW report itself does not use the term Novichok”
- UK Column article: Five Years On: The OPCW-Douma Deception Continues (April 2023)
- GOV.UK: OPCW 105th Executive Council: UK national statement (March 2024)
“Only the Russian state had the technical means, operational experience and the motive to carry out the attack.”
- UK Column article: Skripal: A Russian web or a RUSI web? (2018)
- UK Column article: The Day of the Skripal (2022)

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