Episode 2555: Synod on Synodality: The Threat of a New Religion

3 months ago

The Battle for the Church’s Soul
One of the classic tricks to change a society using a very communistic approach is to first remove the faith. They know that the older generation will fight very hard since they where heavily trained and educated in the faith and so they just power play them by saying they are old people with old ideas and they usually threaten them to get them to comply, but that generation doesn’t and usually fights their death. They know too well that once that generation dies off they will work on the next generation that was taught by the previous generation and so they slowly boil the frog as I am so us to saying until that generation doesn’t realize that by accepting the changes slowly eventually they are cooked and it’s too late. But their real goal is that generation that has absolutely no connection to the first generation and they saw their previous generation slowly comply and Voila’ you changed the culture and the faith. Now if the real goal was to eradicate the faith completely they now have fertile soil with this new generation because they have no standards and no traditions and so just have a constant change so that whatever they roll out the future generations will simply go along with because they are not only ignorant but indifferent. They simply don’t care and there is usually such a loss of faith that a practical atheism sets in and so nothing really matters. Then the objective truth becomes subjective truth based on the will of man. In today’s episode, I will be addressing one of the most urgent crises facing the Catholic Church since the creation of the new mass in 1969 and that is the communistic-catholic churches move through what they are calling “The Synod on Synodality” and its implications for the faithful.

Before I go on I want to mention that since I have been writing episodes for the past 3 years on the Traditional Catholic faith as an instruction for all Catholics, I’ve decided to take those episodes I’ve written a series of books for the faithful and those devoted to Sacred Tradition and the eternal truths of the Catholic Faith

Veil of the Sacred: Unveiling the Mystery of the Latin Mass
A Handbook to the Traditional Latin Mass

Ok now back to this episode, this Synod represents a continuation of the post-Vatican II revolution that seeks to reshape the Church in the image of modern man, rather than according to the immutable will of God. This is not merely about dialogue or inclusion it is a clear attempt to create a new religion, one that distorts the teachings of Christ under the guise of a "synodal Church."
Many theologians, saints, and popes have warned us about the dangers of modernism and the false ecumenism that attempts to dilute the faith. Before the reforms of Vatican II, the Church was a beacon of unchanging truth. Since then, we have seen the erosion of doctrine, liturgy, and discipline all in the name of a so-called "renewal." Now, with the Synod on Synodality, we are witnessing the culmination of these dangerous trends.
The Synod on Synodality: Modernism’s Final Assault
The Synod on Synodality has been described by some as the pinnacle of a process that began with Vatican II. It pushes the idea that the Church must evolve with the times, adapting to the cultural shifts of society. This was foreseen by Pope St. Pius X in his landmark encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis, where he warned of the heresy of Modernism the belief that Church dogma should evolve to accommodate new ideas. He called Modernism “the synthesis of all heresies” because it attacks the very heart of the Faith: the belief in eternal, unchanging truths.
This synodal process reflects that same dangerous mindset. Its proponents speak of inclusivity and dialogue but in reality, they are dismantling the Faith. They wish to replace the timeless teachings of Christ with ambiguous doctrines that change with the winds of society. As Catholics, we must ask ourselves: does this lead us closer to God, or away from Him?
Papal and Saintly Warnings Against This "New Religion"
St. Vincent of Lerins famously stated that the Church must always "hold fast to that which has been believed everywhere, always, and by all" (Commonitorium). The Faith is not subject to change, no matter the pressures of modern society. Yet, the Synod on Synodality and its supporters are undermining this principle, embracing relativism over revealed truth.
Pope Leo XIII’s encyclical Satis Cognitum echoes this warning: "The idea that one can accept some truths and reject others has always been condemned by the Church." This is precisely what we are seeing today a cafeteria Catholicism that picks and chooses which doctrines to uphold, all in the name of "progress" and "openness."
The Attack on the Traditional Latin Mass
One of the clearest examples of this modernist agenda is the attack on the Traditional Latin Mass, a treasure of the Church that was never abrogated, as Pope Benedict XVI affirmed in Summorum Pontificum. The desire to suppress this Mass, which has nourished saints for centuries, is part of a broader effort to erase the sacred and make room for a banal, man-centered liturgy. The Novus Ordo, while valid, is often celebrated in a way that reflects the desacralization of the Church’s worship.
In truth, the Traditional Latin Mass is not just a form of worship it is the cornerstone of our Catholic identity. By attacking it, modernists are attacking the very heart of the Faith.
The Alpha Program: A False Ecumenism
One concrete example of this undermining is the widespread adoption of the Alpha program, which has spread across many dioceses, including in Chicago. Created by an Anglican priest, Alpha promotes a watered-down version of Christianity that ignores the uniqueness of Catholicism. It downplays the sacraments, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the true doctrine of salvation, opting instead for a vague form of ecumenism that seeks unity at the expense of truth.
Pope Pius XI, in his encyclical Mortalium Animos, condemned this false ecumenism, reminding us that true unity can only come through the return to the one true Church, not through a compromising of doctrine. Alpha, while seemingly harmless, is leading souls away from the fullness of the Faith. We must reject it and return to solid Catholic catechesis, rooted in the teachings of the Fathers, Councils, and Popes.
Defending the Church Against the Synodal Crisis
The Synod on Synodality is not about deepening our faith; it is about subverting it. As faithful Catholics, we have a duty to defend the Church as she was before Vatican II strong, uncompromising, and faithful to the deposit of faith. St. Athanasius once said, "They have the buildings, but we have the Faith." In a time when many of our leaders have lost their way, we must remain firm.
This is not just about defending our own souls but the souls of future generations. We must resist the Synod's agenda and return to the authentic teachings that have sustained the Church for centuries. We must reject the new religion of synodality and embrace the true religion of Christ and His Apostles.
And last but certainly not least "Mayan Mass" as part of the Synod of Synodality. This new approach to the liturgy incorporates indigenous practices and symbols, but for many of us who hold tightly to traditional Catholic teachings, it raises deep worries. We’ll explore how this change could alter the very nature of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, much like the Novus Ordo Mass did in the wake of Vatican II.
We’ll discuss how the Mayan Mass risks compromising the sacredness of the liturgy and how these modern innovations could lead to even further confusion and division within the Church.
1. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass: A Sacred Tradition
Before we get into the specifics of the proposed Mayan Mass, it’s essential to remember what the Mass is at its core. The Mass is the unbloody re-presentation of Christ’s sacrifice on Calvary. Every time we attend Mass, we are present at the foot of the Cross. It is a solemn, sacred event one that is not subject to personal tastes or cultural shifts. For centuries, the Traditional Latin Mass has embodied this reverence. Its beauty, mystery, and transcendence were never meant to be tampered with.
After Vatican II, however, the Novus Ordo was introduced, bringing sweeping changes that many traditional Catholics still struggle with today. The focus shifted from God-centered worship to a more communal and celebratory atmosphere. The priest now faces the people, and lay participation became a central element. While some argue these changes made the Mass more accessible, they also led to an erosion of the sense of the sacred. The faithful became passive observers rather than participants in the sacred mysteries.
Now, with the discussion of a "Mayan Mass," we see an even more troubling trend a push to allow indigenous customs and symbols into the liturgy, risking further damage to the sacred nature of the Mass.
2. The Mayan Mass: Inculturation or Syncretism?
Supporters of the Mayan Mass argue that it is a form of "inculturation," or adapting the faith to local cultures. But where do we draw the line between cultural expression and syncretism, the blending of pagan practices with Catholic rites? The Mayan culture, for example, has a history of rituals that, while deeply spiritual to the indigenous peoples, are not in line with the Catholic faith. Can these be adapted without compromising the integrity of the Mass?
Introducing indigenous symbols, languages, and customs will dilute the essential truths of Catholic worship. The danger lies in reducing the Mass to a form of cultural celebration rather than the holy sacrifice it is meant to be. Christ instituted the Mass as a way to bring us closer to Him through the Eucharist, not to make us feel more comfortable in our cultural identity.
Just as the Novus Ordo has led to a less reverent approach to the liturgy in many places, the Mayan Mass could take this a step further. Imagine attending a Mass where pre-Christian Mayan rituals take precedence, where the sacred is overshadowed by cultural symbols that detract from the worship of God. This would not be a mere modification; it would be a departure from the very purpose of the Mass.
3. The Danger of Modernism in the Church
This push for the Mayan Mass reflects a broader trend within the Church: modernism. Modernism seeks to adapt the Church to the modern world, often at the expense of eternal truths. We’ve seen it in the way moral teachings are watered down, in the way traditional roles within the Church are being overturned, and now, in the way the liturgy is being redefined.
Pope St. Pius X warned us about the dangers of modernism, calling it "the synthesis of all heresies." If we are not vigilant, these seemingly small liturgical changes could lead to the complete loss of the sense of the sacred. The Mass will become unrecognizable, and the faithful will be led further away from the truth of Christ’s sacrifice.
Let us not be swept away by the currents of modernism and cultural relativism. Instead, we must cling to the traditions of our forefathers, to the Mass of the Ages, and ensure that it remains a beacon of truth in an ever-confused world. Only by preserving the sacredness of the Mass can we hope to keep our faith intact.
A Call to Arms to Defend the Sacred
As we look to the future of the Church, it’s essential that we remain steadfast in our defense of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. We must resist any changes that compromise its sacredness, whether that be through the Novus Ordo or this proposed Mayan Mass. The Mass is a gift given to us by Christ its beauty, mystery, and reverence must be preserved for future generations.
In this time of crisis, we must remember that we are called to be soldiers of Christ. The battle for the soul of the Church is real, and it is our responsibility to defend the Faith, as countless saints and martyrs have done before us. We must reject modernism, false ecumenism, and any attempt to change the eternal truths of the Church.
Let us stand firm in the Faith, armed with prayer, the sacraments, and the teachings of the Church Fathers. Together, we will preserve the Church for future generations, remaining true to Christ until the end.
Closing Prayer:
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
O Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, protect Thy Holy Church from the errors of our time. Through the intercession of Our Lady, Queen of Heaven, may we remain steadfast in defending the Faith. Strengthen us, O Lord, in this battle, and grant us the grace to persevere. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

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