[CLIP] Dr. Marty Makary: When Medical Consensus Fails—From Low-Fat Diets to Peanut Bans

5 months ago

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"In medicine, we have all these silos. We have 82 specialties. You finish medical school and they're like, 'Which specialty are you going to pick? You have to pick one.'

And this is our currency of academics: If you have this tiny little focus, you just only work on the choroid of the eye, which is one little part of the eye, this guy is a genius! He's celebrated. And that's how we advance our science in our minds.

Now, we need sub-specialists. I'm one of them. But everything is connected. Mitochondrial health [and] general body inflammation affects every cell in the body. Every cell in the body practically has estrogen receptors. There's a hormonal connection. There's a general way in which every cell in the body needs certain micronutrients, which are not found in the modern food supply because food is made with basically modern-day caffeine. It's not from good, rich soil. And so, I don't even know what we're eating sometimes. It's like a piece of plastic or cardboard with sugar and it looks nice, but our food supply is not what it was.

It turns out that the African American community in the United States was one of the healthiest communities in the 1950s and 60s in terms of their metabolic health.

And what you saw are these food deserts, foods poor in micronutrients, potato chips, and other foods becoming popular in these areas where there wasn't good education. There wasn't good access to healthy foods. The government put out misinformation on what people should be eating.

And now you have this total reversal, where the African American community has epidemic levels, disproportionately higher than other communities, of poor metabolic health.” - Dr. Marty Makary

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