When He Cries © Original Song

4 months ago

A song that I wrote recently, copyrighted. Filmed and directed by the lovely and sweet, Ms Cutter
1-He is a man of a few words, the quiet type
A gentle man who everyone looked up to
If he ever is down or depressed
There is never any outward signs, no one ever knew
2-Always even keel, steady as a ship out on a stormy sea
When everyone else is upset and emotional, he is strong and able to help
Those who at times seem overwhelmed and unconsolable
C-But, he has his moments when he is alone
When his own tears unabated flow
His dad told him back when he was a boy
You should never see tears in a grown man’s eyes
Therefore, no one will ever see him when he cries
3-His dad back then was like he is now
And as a little boy he looked up to him
So, now that he is older he never has forgotten
Or betrayed what he told him back then…

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