R/flatearth with special guest Mark Sargent & Alt Skull

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In this video, Cardiff and Vinnie explore the popular r/flatearth subreddit and attempt to find a definitive answer to the age-old question, "Which shape is the Earth?" They discuss the various theories presented and analyze the evidence for themselves. The episode also features interviews with redditors, giving viewers a unique perspective on their beliefs.

Flat Earth channel Mark Sargent - We are everywhere ✅ (youtube.com) (https://www.youtube.com/@markksargent) https://www.behindthecurvefilm.com/ (https://www.behindthecurvefilm.com/)

Alt Skull: X/Twitter: @fakeandgay61
Telegram: https://t.me/AltSkull48
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@altskull48

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