Super fun Yuri time in Pokémon Red [Pokémon Red part 9]

4 months ago

I'm so sorry for that title (/。\)

I start the episode by showing off what I've done off-camera. Atilla learned a new move that doesn't function and YouDirtyRat learned a new move that really functions. I also caught an Abra that I name Yuri, like the magician.

This episode is dedicated to the Cerulean City water-type gym, full of a lot of swimming areas and aquatic pokémon. Fortunately for me, YouDirtyRat, Duct Tape, and Koopa are able to put those punks on ice, though Misty's Starmie gives me a run for my money since it killed Duct Tape and actually required me to use defense drops.

With the Cascade Badge in tow, I realize that the Policeman steps away from the burglarized house's door. I'll have to investigate later.

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