Anne Catherine Emmerich Vision 008 - The Tower of Babel and Nimrod

5 months ago

Images are AI generated to provoke thought, not to depict the text faithfully (because AIs don't listen to prompts that faithfully... not the ones I use anyway)

So this is another big one, but it's a big subject of discussion. When I was a kid, during snow days, we would go to someone's house and go dig up tunnels in the freshly fallen snow and build little cave networks, which we had big plans for, but once our snow days were done, life continued like usual and the tunnel networks were dead in the water... fun for that brief moment of time because children just play together (well... we did in the decade I grew up). This reminds me of that...

Anyway... I have a lot of notes because I feel that Babel has a lot to do with the errors of Modernism and our time... I also talk about how Nimrod is basically like the first major Antichrist figure (red dragon type).

The reading itself is only shy of 17 minutes... if you don't want to listen to me droning on about the notes, you can just stop it there! Fantastic! Capital, capital!

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