Book of Psalm Chapter 3 ESV with The Chosen

4 months ago

This is my first "Book of Psalm" video. I intend to share many other Chapters of the Bible and not just the Gospels. I will place them all in the 'Chapters' Playlist. You'll be able to find them by seeing thumbnails saying "Chapters." I will also share scriptures on subjects like healing, provision, protection, wisdom, etc. You can then go daily to the channel and speak these truths over yourselves and your families. This is an exciting time, knowledge has increased and the most important knowledge is the knowledge of Him. Study to show YOURSELF approved. I take that to mean, in addition to studying unto God, we are proving to ourselves that we are workman that need not be ashamed because we are rightly dividing the work of truth.

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV

please like, subscribe, and share!! Blessings.
#audiobible #thechosen #biblestudy

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