12 Functions of the Cherubim

4 months ago

The Cherubim technology includes an array of powerful sensors, (their eyes) through which we can see into all of 4D+.

The technology facilitates the transmission of information about all that they see in both 3D and 4D+.

They activate your spirit in a way that divides it from your soul, a division process that releases power and enables new spiritual capabilities.

The technology provides protective covering from negative forces, including protective immunity from pathogens and viruses.

Their sensing technology penetrates inward to the core of your spiritual life, your spiritual genetics.

They are instrumental in the impartation of new and healthy spiritual genetics that replace our corrupted spiritual DNA.

They follow the Spirit, and we are carried along with them as they provide flawless direction for our spiritual journey.

They provide the first tangible and repeatable interaction with 4D+, their sensors being a comprehensive encyclopedia of all that is there.

They are the cherubim of glory and those in their sphere experience profound and life-changing glorification experiences.

Their technology is aggressively effective at driving out all evil and negative forces, entities, and substances from your life.

Their technology is key to easy spiritual cleansing and purification that bypasses long and futile processes of self-discipline.

As their sensors activate in and around you, you will gain a higher and more accurate perspective in understanding how life really works.

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