Me, My Soulmate

5 months ago

"I start to make love to my wife, and she has a faraway look in her eyes.
I say, "Honey, is there someone else?"
She says,
"There must be."
Rodney Dangerfield

"That is the perfect joke, it has everything."
Jerry Seinfeld

Your soul's Id/Ego/Superego identity that Freud postulated, is the essential “you” that everyone is so in love with.

Well, at least you're in love with it.

One of the many limitations of the human soul is that it can't divorce itself. Would you like to live in a country where divorce is illegal?

When it comes to Self-Marriage,
the law reads "Till Death Do Us Part".

In Ego Land, we are all genetically pre-arranged "Sologamists" .

Well, at least in Ego Land, adultery is down, and faithfulness is up. Humans rarely cheat on themselves as their own significant other.

When married to self, you are your own "ball-and-chain", abusive husband too. Remember, divorce is impossible.

No matter how hard you try.

Have you ever closed your eyes to sleep and your Ego begins displaying for you, in vivid color, every stupid thing you've done in your life?

Your internal soulmate is quite the henpecker. And your external soulmate most likely is too, if you are "lucky" enough to have one.

There are wonderful marriages out there. I can count at least two that I know of. But most are pretty terrible.

The divorce rate in the USA is over 40%, and probably another 40% should get one.

My parents stayed together for the children, even though I begged them not to.

The rate of self-divorce is close to zero. It should be closer to 100%. You can't stop your narcissism, no matter how much everyone you know wants you to.

Why? Because it is only your Spirit that can separate itself from your id soul and demote it from being your primary relationship.

Now THAT is a superpower. Now you have control. Now you can be free. Now you can interact with something greater than yourself, God's spiritual realm.

The singularity of soul is its weakness. The plurality capability of Spirit is great strength and power.

Oneness with someone greater than yourself can now be achieved. Dividing your soul and spirit is quite easy.

As long as you are your primary relationship and soul mate, it is impossible to interact successfully with spiritual truth and 4D+.

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