Supply Side Spirituality

5 months ago

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,
Because He anointed Me to bring good news to the poor.
He has sent Me to proclaim release to captives,
And recovery of sight to the blind,
To set free those who are oppressed,
To proclaim the favorable year of the Lord.”

John the Baptist was sent in advance of the ministry of Christ saying, “Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand."
And in his message to the churches JC said, “Be zealous therefore and repent." But there comes a time when repentance is just playing catchup and winning continues to be out of reach.
Christians live in a vicious cycle of defeat.

Apostle Paul describes this cycle perfectly in Romans 7 when he says, "But if I do the very thing I do not want, I am no longer the one doing it, but sin that dwells in me. I find then the principle that evil is present in me, the one who wants to do good."
The fallen nature of humankind is its prison.

Like the SNL comedy about Chris Farley as "Relapse Boy, who was a hopeless drunk and addict who had the absolutely wrong job...delivering emergency transplant organs to hospitals. When it comes to cycles of repentance, we are all like this character.
"Relapse Boy"

That is because repentance earns forgiveness but does not earn liberation from the fallen nature that causes us to continually fall.
The only hope for true freedom from cycles of defeat is what I call "Supply Side Spirituality". The problem is solved by the coming of a new level of spiritual power and the discovery of new spiritual technology.
This is the Morning Star event in prelude to the Second Coming of Christ

The time must, and has, come, when we can be set free from the prison described by Paul, liberated by the breakthrough of Romans 8,
"Creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God."
This freedom has not been ministered to you by the church, but it is now coming to you as the first act of the Kingdom of God."
Step One of HIs Coming is Your Liberation from the Fall

It is past time that we stop wandering in circles in a spiritual wilderness, saying we are being led by God. It is time to invade the new spiritual dimension where freedom reigns, and the land flows with milk and honey. This is like a "Pool of Siloam" event. When the angel stirs the waters, seize the moment of opportunity, jump in, and be healed.
The "favorable year of the Lord" is the time of new power and technology that gives you complete victory.

To say "this is not possible" is to say that Christ's purpose in coming, his death and resurrection were inadequate. Yet this is the legacy of the church age, whose theologians enslave with their doctrines, the deadliest being that the fallen nature within humankind is more powerful than Christ in you.
In the Second Coming, Christ wins, Satan loses, in You.

In prelude to His coming, there is a complete whitewash of sin by infinite grace, and total liberation from the source of defeat. The axe is laid to the root of the tree. The willingness and ability to receive, at this time in human history, is the most important spiritual skill to have.
When it is the favorable time, the only issue is will you receive it? Don't be a bird who sits in its cage even though the door has been opened.
Who is so stupid as to want to stay in prison when a pardon has been delivered?

JC warned constantly about being ready for the wedding, His coming. Are you ready? We know we have been failures at righteousness. But now, our being dressed in white and ready is simply a matter of receiving. This miracle sounds impossible because it has never happened before. But we are the fastest people at embracing new digital technology. If you understood the power of the new spiritual technology that has come, you would not doubt or fear.
The age of new spiritual technology has begun. who will be the first to get it.

You have lived in the cycle of defeat. No harm no foul, because the power and technology has been absent, a desolation that has come to an end.
Receiving the Spirit that has been restored to humankind will set you free. The Spirit does the work, supplying all the money. You just cash the checks.
You have won the lottery. Go get your money. Stay private. Beware of thieves Spiritual Powerball Winners.

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