Single People wanting to date have greatly disappointed anchor bar staff and us

5 months ago

When the host approached Anchor Bar in Hamilton Ontario, he was pleasantly shocked to learn that Anchor Bar will fund for extensive marketing at their end which includes posting ads on the door and through various facebook groups, to which they did.

The first event didn't run despite it having a record sales of 8 tickets out of the required 16 despite heavy advertising in effect, but what was more shocking is that the advertising was cut a bit and the next scheduled event had NO sales, yet both events were $29 per person, cheaper than the competition!

Because of this, the Anchor Bar event co-ordinator and the host agreed to not run anymore events at the venue for the time being.

As sad as the outcome was, we would like to thank the Anchor Bar staff for their generous advertising services and assistance at their end.

Shortly after that, the host changed the wording on his eventbrite listings to remove filler words, then suddenly a record 3 people acted interested in the events.

Will people ever think about uniting with someone, or will everyone's future consist of only doing underpaid slave labour work, eating, sleeping, and having no more children or families? could it be that someone rules people's minds? We don't get it. someone fill us in.

Oh if you wonder why facebook suspended the hosts account? Its because he warned people that eventbrite can and has scammed people.

Maybe the tech overlords and our competitors are into scamming and hurting people by hiring as people pretending to be interested in new relationships and by disabling people's accounts for unethical reasons.

Another side note: When facebook suspended the host's account, the only way he could reclaim his account is to use a computer with a webcam to record a video of his face moving side-to-side. Whats the next privacy invasion tactic facebook wants to do next... collect people's feces and blood to validate the people? Unreal.

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