The Truth About Everything: Is Ayahuasca Truly Intelligent Medicine?

4 months ago

In the 90's whenever I mentioned ayahuasca 100% of the time I got the response, "Aya-what-a?" Today, ayahuasca has become a household name throughout the world. And, for good reason.
The visions that it induces are bar-none the most incredible surreal, experience that is available to mankind. It often gives lifechanging advice and insights that seem to emenate from a highly intelligent Other. Legends of shamans from newly contacted tribes over 100's of years in the records of explorer's and anthropoligists suggest that ayahuasca can provide information that couldn't have been known to the shamans; something that I have personally experienced on numerous occasions. But...can it be true? Is ayahuasca truly intelligent medicine? Does it legitimately put one in contact with the unseen spirit world? Or, does it braoden the frequency rangeof our consciousness, allowing it to act as a sort of reciever that connects us to a greater consciousness? A sort of Universal MInd? Could it be that our subconscious just seems to us to be "other" when we suddenly find our selves in an enhanced degree of dialogue with our conscious mind? If so, how do we account for the access to apparently accurate information that has been reported for hundreds of years, by so many different people?

In this Lightstream we will tackle this question, and consider the possibilities as objectivelyas possible. Drawing from decades of study and experience, not just with ayahuasca, but also various scientific fields and psychologythat could lend some perspective, I can assure you that we have no answer; only possibilities. And, I think, that is the point of it all.

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