It's Not a Conspiracy, But Keep Watching TV. Lyrics, Music & Vocals by Senator Papahatziharalambrous

19 hours ago

Track 4. "It's Not a Conspiracy, But Keep Watching TV." Lyrics, Music and Vocals by Senator Papahatziharalambrous. Out Now on Spotify and All Music Streaming Services

(Verse 1)
The worst systems on earth, like Fascism and Communism,
Give you one choice for a leader — one bloke with a God complex, a megalomaniac’s dream.
But in democracy, the greatest system we ever built,
You get two choices! One more than the worst systems ever.
I think you're being played, punters!
And both of them are usually mates, same school, same clubs,
Same bloody everything. What a joke, what a farce!
Two choices, two sides of the same coin.
Heads they win, tails you lose, and who’s left to mind the store?
It’s all just a rigged game, mate, we’re the pawns they ignore.

It's not a conspiracy, but keep watching TV.
Apathy killed democracy, that’s how it’s gonna be!
Let the politicians get away with their lies.
Don’t hold them to account.
You’re just as guilty as they are, mate,
For staying silent and voting them back in!
Keep watching the telly, keep your mind dim.
The walls are closing in, but you just keep looking in.

(Verse 2)
Things that should make your hair stand on end,
If only you had the time to care between the footy and the latest reality TV drivel.
Our political elites, with their polished speeches and fake smiles,
Keep us distracted with bread and circuses,
While they quietly sell us out to the highest bidder.
They’ve turned politics into a reality show,
Where the stakes are high, but the truth is low.
Keep the masses entertained, keep them distracted,
Keep them docile and dumb, keep the truth redacted.
Whether it’s through sport, social media, or the latest outrage,
The goal is the same—keep you too tired and too busy to care,
While they make their deals in the dark, we’re all unaware.

It's not a conspiracy, but keep watching TV.
Apathy killed democracy, that’s how it’s gonna be!
Let the politicians get away with their lies.
Don’t hold them to account.
You’re just as guilty as they are, mate,
For staying silent and voting them back in!
Keep watching the telly, keep your mind dim.
The walls are closing in, but you just keep looking in.

(Verse 3)
I’d like to tell you there’s still time to fight back,
But let’s be real—if you’ve been paying attention, you know time’s running out.
The two major parties in our so-called democracy,
Bought and paid for, corrupted to the core,
Are political prostitutes who’ve done a deal with the devil.
Now they’re dragging us all down to hell,
With a smile on their face and a lying tongue.
The truth is buried deep, and the truth is grim.
But you’ve got to fight for what’s right, or sink with them.

If you're not awake by now, there's nothing I can say to you—
So here’s to freedom, to truth, and to the unbreakable spirit of Australia.
Here’s to the fight ahead, mate—because it’s going to be a bloody good one,
And I wouldn’t miss it for the world.
Stand up, rise up, for the land we hold dear,
For tomorrow’s uncertain, but our courage is clear.
It’s not a conspiracy, but keep watching TV.
If you dare to care, then stand beside me!

(Chorus Reprise)
It's not a conspiracy, but keep watching TV.
Apathy killed democracy, that’s how it’s gonna be!
Let the politicians get away with their lies.
Don’t hold them to account.
You’re just as guilty as they are, mate,
For staying silent and voting them back in!
Keep watching the telly, keep your mind dim.
The walls are closing in, but you just keep looking in.

Author’s note: The hardest part about this song? It's not that people won’t believe you… it’s that most don’t even want to know. They're happy to stay distracted, fed their nightly fix of fear and fake assurance. Meanwhile, the truth? Nah, they’d rather not hear it. But someone’s gotta say it.

Senator Papahatziharalambrous on Spotify:

Get THE BOOK OF LYRICS: Takin Thepiss Keepin The Aussie Spirit Alive : Papahatziharalambrous, Senator, Harisopoulos, Mr Christos: in Paperback or the Kindle edition.

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