Our children are being indoctrinated into a new religion, a religion called the science.

4 months ago

Heather Heying: "Our children are being indoctrinated into a new religion, a religion called the science.
The new religion called the science has no bearing on actual science, but because it comes wrapped up in a thing with a nice name and a nice package, the new religion is trusted and believed. The science teaches fantasy. Fantasy like girls can become boys and boys can become girls.
The new religion called the science teaches fantasy like frosted mini-wheat are healthier than eggs. And the new religion called the science teaches fantasy like the only way to be healthy in the face of a novel pathogen is to submit to the authorities, comply with their orders, and take into yourself brand new technology that we are now well aware is neither safe nor effective.
Meanwhile, the children of America are learning nearly nothing of actual science, of its wonder and expansiveness, of discovery and uncertainty and hypothesis and excitement and that tingling in the back of the brain that you get when you're onto something, onto something, but what is it? Wait a minute, I have it, Eureka! The children of America are being denied their moments of discovery. I did not know, but now I do. I figured it out.
Children are naturally full of wonder while asking questions, forming opinions, abandoning beliefs in the face of new information. They do not, by and large, accept that there are things that they cannot know or ask about unless they are beaten down. The human spirit is inherently inquisitive and creative.
America's children need to spend time off their screens and in the dirt growing flowers and food.
America's children need to spend time with pen and ink and color and clay, learning to represent their world. America's children need to learn to spend time moving their bodies with speed and with skill, and they need to spend time observing the world around them and being encouraged to ask questions of it. Why are there so many colors of flowers? How do eyeglasses work? I wonder what it's like on Mars.
And the children of America deserve, they need to have classrooms with teachers who are willing to say, I don't know. And how would we figure that out? And no, we are not going to Google it.

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