John Carman 7/27-Yearick on the Roof,18 rounds fired after dead?Sniper 2 from window-Decoy technique

4 months ago

SS Countersniper (R) says Yearick's name was Matthew before he changed it to Maxwell. Carman was on with Nino 2 days ago that Julie Kelly reposted:

But the kept the specifics for Nino's pay channel. I looked him up and say he was an Ark Midnight after Butler and Ed Solomon was there too, obvious video to get and post.
Butler details starts with second segment at 23m but he talks about it a bit toward the end of the first.

"Regan didn't get hit with a bullet, he was hit with an air pistol"

Also names Jonathan B Willis as having shot at Yearick or shot him and being fired for it. That was the one with the beard. I can't say myself but I believe the people with that experience that say he wasn't shooting are correct. Also, I think it's been proven that Crooks/whoever that was, when he climbed on the roof WAS wearing pants but due to low image resolution and sun glare it looked like shorts.

I'll upload General Mac and co. on c/govsimulation later in the week if you want to watch that without weeding through the 7 hour video.
#john carman

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