Uncle Sam's Tall Tales: Full Metal Ox Day 1313

9 hours ago

Full Metal Ox Day 1313
Thursday 03, October 2024
Apocalypse Year Episode 1378
**See the full vlog on Hive, Rumble, Steemit, Noxsoma.com or Minds.

Uncle Sam's Tall Tales

The most vivid memory of the first elementary school I attended is of kids falling from the upper stairs. The stairs were situated in such a way that kids could fall through the empty space. I couldn't have been higher than third grade, because the next school I started at grade four. I was clearly traumatized because I remember it to this day. I don't remember why we were going down the stairs, (maybe a fire drill, because I think it was the whole school going outside), or anything else about that day.

At the new school, in a more affluent part of the City, we had speakers in the class rooms and everyday the principal bade us "good morning" made announcements and led us in the pledge of allegiance. This was yet another form of programming. Sometimes I just mouthed the words. Usually the wrong words, because I don't remember seeing a script.

We were lied to about America and we believed it because we didn't know that there were any other versions of the narrative. I'm still kind of fucked up about that. My psyche is still compensating. Going from being 100% naive to 1000% cynical, and these days settling in to an acceptable medium. Sometimes I can get "mad" (not the best word, but the most convenient for now) at the "system" for lying to me and at the "normies" for still believing the lies I used to believe. It's like that episode of MASH when Hawkeye stopped drinking and then started preaching to everyone else about how damaging alcohol is.

Nothing worse than a reformed addict, unless it's a reformed "Normie." And I'm not even completely reformed. What truth of my youth is going to be shattered next?

In addition to waiting for my new fridge to be delivered, heavy winds and threatening rain, we have a piece about our bragging Uncle and how he was this badass hero back before we were born, but seems like a feeble old fart when it's time for action. If we... the collective citizenry of the United States had not been lied to for generations, particularly post World War 2, we would not be in this mess we're in today.

What's particularly disturbing, is that this country, but not necessarily the people, deserve some serious karma. Maybe that karma doesn't have to be "action" but a brutal realization that as many as 4 generations of leaders were lying, psychopathic scoundrels that charmed us out of our American dreams and into being a global pariah, at least in the eyes of the Global South.

Have you ever been to Valencia, Spain? In some places the city looks like it doesn't belong in Spain. That's where we are this Throwback Thursday. Like any other country Spain is a matter of perspective. I don't think that most people visit the country to experience its Muslim/Moorish history. Spain was a fallen empire before WW2 broke out and the only reason she was left out of this second European conflict was because she had her own civil war to deal with.

That's our day and our episode. Much love. Enjoy. Peace.

Today's Episode:

EXTRA EXTRA!! This is the first video I posted on Rumble. Same shit!!
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SEASON 1 of FMO on the archives

Program notes hive.blog/@noxsoma
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YouTube: [The Gymmy Jamm Season 10] Functional Fall. Deadlifting is still a thing, however we sustained what we deemed a nerve injury that we are still recovering from. (We know the difference between nerve ache & muscle soreness, we think.) Our Autumn plan is for more dynamic movement, rotation, jump training, body weight work. Still working towards strength & power via lifting, but also isometric holds, balance, dead hangs, and various assisted moves. Still working towards, muscle ups, plange, front lever, pistol squats and a few more gymnastic moves. The work is beneficial even if it takes us "forever" to hit those moves. I can feel some dormant muscles activate upon attempting various moves & positions.

Lease on Light (Moonday) Park Session 33 - https://youtu.be/xC8DPdCgtMY?si=qV1yvXHOo0Zra81G

Slightly Ahead of the Curve Ep 89 (Sabado) - https://youtu.be/tz4ICk8Pf6g?si=AwdLi-Np6ee9nBZQ

Triceps Overload: Episode 88 (Thorsday) - https://youtu.be/m2QWgyVdqAg?si=pNQzjYJahFbB7cQ3

Fall Start (Tuesday) - Functional Training Season 10 begins - https://youtu.be/frSGwZXOMRg?si=gxPOFXbeao0YAdDe

Thunder & fitness. Fortnight 11: MBB27 - https://youtu.be/aXZaT781-2w?si=kyLlEBNcxHeO_mWH

Summer Surprise: Friday Finisher Ep 86: https://youtu.be/eN7BX3hjvwo?si=bkCjQsX-nX4NpBLz

MBB Session 27: Surprisingly Strong - https://youtu.be/XfhKhX1pRr8?si=SGAnDSBql4iIETYi

Hard Monday Rehab: Park Session 32: https://youtu.be/kkVPMCSLMy0?si=LloOk-zkW-h_QsF3

Get strong. Be strong. Stay strong. Don't panic. Don't freak out. Humanity for the win!

Contact: noxsoma@protonmail.com
Telegram t.me/noxsoma
Living is the best part of life.

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