How much has China advances especially during the last 25 years

12 days ago

Video: On the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Republic, how much has China advances especially during the last 25 years? No nation in recorded history could accomplish what China did peacefully. 50 years ago when I left HK arrived in Hawai’i, I was shocked that my saving deposit at bank was hand written. In HK it was done by computer. 50 years later, US not only behind HK in all aspects, China also advances to beat HK and miles ahead of the US. 今天我們興祝中華人民共和國成立75週年. 中國的成功,特別是近25年,歷史上沒有一個國家能夠以和平的方式像中國一樣和平掘起。50年前,當我離開香港到達夏威夷時,我很震驚地發現我在銀行的存款是手寫。在香港,這是透過電腦完成的。50年後,美國不僅在各方面落後於香港,中國也超越了香港,遠遠領先美國。

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