US DOJ with US HHS intentionally concealed critical material evidence of how vaccines cause autism.

19 hours ago

(found on Dr. Judy's transcripts:

And for those of y'all that don't know this, Hannah Poling is the case which made international news in 2008 when it was announced that the government HHS had conceded that she is autistic as a result of a vaccine injury. Paul Harveys would say this is the rest of the story.
What people don't know is, I contend the government conceded the Poling case as a tactical decision and procedural maneuver to conceal critical material evidence of how vaccines cause autism. Specifically, the expert witness for the government wrote an opinion which expresses not only that Hannah Poling is autistic as the result of the vaccines injury, but he explained how vaccines cause autism.
So let me explain what I call the Zimmerman issue. Dr Zimmerman one of the top neurologists in the country. The first opinion he wrote was against Michelle Cedillo. He wrote for HHS, and in that opinion, he stated, quote, There is no scientific basis for a connection between measles, mumps, rubella, MMR vaccine or mercury intoxication in autism.
He further wrote, There is no sound evidence to support a causative relationship with exposure to both or either MMR and or mercury. Now, this opinion the government used to deny compensation to the 5000 cases that were pending an omnibus proceeding. They even quoted from it during the closing arguments in my son's case. However, Dr Zimmerman wrote a second contradictory opinion, which explains again that Hannah Poling is autistic as the result of a vaccine injury, and more importantly, how vaccines cause autism. So what did the government do? One expert, two opinions, they use the first opinion they concealed the second. It was the same government officials who relied upon Dr Zimmerman's first opinion as evidence in the omnibus proceeding that conceded the case in Hannah Poling and concealed the evidence. Further they did this despite the fact they were in possession of Dr Zimmerman's second opinion.

The bottom line is that during the omnibus autism proceeding, the United States Department of Justice, representing the United States Department of Health and Human Services, willfully and intentionally concealed critical material evidence of how vaccines cause autism. Then the same government attorney that signed the documents conceding Hannah Poling's case and procedurally concealing the evidence, years later, when I finally got to the Court of Appeals, she represented to the Court of Appeals, in essence, that this evidence did not exist. I'm gonna put that in perspective for you. If I did to a criminal in a court of law what the United States Department of Justice did to vaccine injured children in this so called Vaccine Court, I would be disbarred and I would be facing criminal charges.

Now the government never intended for the American people to know about the Poling case, and they fought hard to keep it concealed, but it leaked out. But when it leaked out, the government, they tried to hide behind the technical terminology. What they said was, well, Hannah Poling's condition. It's different from everybody else. She's it's not autism. It's regressive encephalopathy with features of autism spectrum disorder. Well, there's a problem with that. There's two. The first is, that's just semantics. If you have features of autism, that's what autism is, characteristics or symptoms.

However, this is how I figured this out was: my son was also a patient of the same doctor, Zimmerman, way back in 2002 I took my son. Was very fortunate. My parents helped. I got to see the top neurologist in the country or one of them, and he made word for word, the exact same neurological diagnosis as Hanna Poling, so aggressive encephalopathy with features of autism spectrum disorder.

Now, after the Poling case came to light, the parents of Hanna Poling filed a motion for complete transparency. The Polings wanted to help other children. They wanted to make their records public. They wanted to help other people. Because I truly believe that to understand how vaccines cause autism, the case of Hannah Poling is critical to understanding that.

HHS and the Department of Justice, they opposed that motion for complete transparency. Well, thank God for whistleblowers. I was eventually able to obtain some of the documents, one of which is part of is Dr Zimmerman's written opinion,

which he now clarify in the opinion he's talking about her residual seizure disorder, but in that opinion, he clearly explains that she, to a reasonable degree of medical certainty, that she is autistic and autistic as the result of a vaccine injury, and he explains how vaccines cause autism. That two page document is critical to ending the autism epidemic and the government, United States Department of Justice, the United States Department of Health and Human Services, concealed it. I want to make a clarification. The Polings did not do anything wrong at all. For that matter, I don't contend Dr Zimmerman did anything wrong. He's an expert in a highly developing and rapidly developing field of medicine, he's allowed to change his opinion. But what is wrong is, for the United States government, when faced with one expert with two opinions, use the opinion which is favorable and concealed one that's not, especially when you consider the entire purpose of this proceeding was to determine if vaccines can cause autism, and if so, under what conditions? Well, the government's expert witness in neurology put in writing: Yes, vaccines cause autism.! Here's how vaccines cause autism! And the Department of Justice and HHS concealed it.

Official Opinion by Zimmerman:

Zimmerman change of opinion:

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