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Clif High - Welcome to the Maelstrom! Let go the rudder. It's useless.
Aether Pirates of the Matterium!
Hello, humans. Hello, humans. October 1, 8.51 a.m. out here on the Pacific Coast. That's a view of the surf conditions at the moment here. I'm going to snap that off and go to the whiteboard in just a second. This is a Welcome to the Maelstrom. So the Maelstrom is a place.
A lot of people just think it's a word saying, you know, some foreign word meaning big storm, right? And the Maelstrom is a place, it's a whirlpool actually, that forms off of the coast of Denmark and Norway. In between the two there's, in the North Sea, there, when conditions are right, the Maelstrom forms.
Some centuries, there's a lot more of them than others. In the 1600s, it was really a serious thing in the late 1600s. As we get up towards 1700, we find that there's a lot of, which is when we ended the Kali Yuga, that there's a lot of coincident things happening here on Earth that are related to energy,
right? And it's because our orbit is such that the sun actually rises up over the obscuring mass of the galaxy incrementally in its long 25 million year orbit around the galaxy. And it does this wavy motion all the way around the edge of the galactic plate.
And when our solar system rises up over that edge, we get more emanations from galactic synergy. And in the late 1600s, we were starting this major rise up out of that period of density where we're massively blocked by the mass of the galaxy, where it's consistently blocked. We get very little of these emanations from galactic center.
And in 1620, I think, was the... is where they say that the initiation of the actual rise begins and some parts of the solar system are starting to stick up over this particular point. And M1 point in the 1600s, here we are passing M9.
So all of the solar system now is getting more emanations from the galactic center. These will increase over the next 5,500 years, something like that, and they'll start slowly waning. Anyway though, so we're at M9. In the 1600s it was M1. There was a lot of energy that came into the planet between 1620 and 1720.
We find that there was all kinds of energetic activities going on. Those energies affected humanity and we find that 80 years later we start getting into the Age of Enlightenment and all of that. mental expansion for humans. Anyway, so the Maelstrom is a whirlpool that forms and it formed a lot of time that was
there quite evident in the 1600s because of the energies that were pouring in were also of course absorbed by the oceans and they got all agitated and there were oceanic conditions that were in existence in the 1600s that gradually faded, and we haven't really seen them since.
So the maelstrom doesn't really form as much as it did in the 1600s. It was reported frequently by the Vikings. There's one classic story about a Viking raiding party that sets off from Norway, and you have to understand that maelstrom can be absolutely flat, no whirlpool whatsoever, and then conditions and the currents form
And within like half an hour or 40 minutes, you've got this big whirling thing that's quite large, spanning miles at the biggest opening. Anyway, there's this story. The Vikings tell it. Who knows? These Norwegians, you get them all liquored up and the bullshit flows, right?
But anyway, they talk about the Viking ships getting trapped by it in this raiding party. There were three of the ships. One of them gets sucked down right away and the other two are riding on the edge. And then eventually these two are riding on the edge, slowly going down into the maelstrom and really freaking out.
And the boats, they said, were actually sailing horizontally on the inside, or not sailing, but rotating horizontally on the inside of the whirlpool such that their masts would smack each other and break. But these two boats survived is the story. because the conditions changed and the maelstrom just stopped and the two boats
popped up and then limped back to Norway and reported the loss of the other boat. In this story, I seem to recall there was a king or a prince or somebody from Norway that died in the other boat. This is why it was really remembered. Anyway, so we're in the maelstrom now, right?
This is the situation with the temporal energies we've got at this moment. that they've started the swirling. They've started all of this stuff going. And it's been forming in a massive level for decades and now it's really started the rotation and we're all going to get sucked into it.
This period of time that I'm going to talk about is six months. And I think that that's probably the densest part of the maelstrom is going to be over the next six months. And so by April we ought to start seeing some level of steam release, even though we'll still be building pressure in a lot of places,
we'll also start releasing pressure so we'll have some level of positive reinforcement to our activities. And anyway, so there's all kinds of stuff that's going to be happening. A lot of it I'm not going to go into because it's basically financial and the financial is at a point where we're all going to live through it.
The death of the dollar is here, the explosion of the cryptos, the destruction of the Fed, any number of these themes I'll be expressing over this next six months. when they happen to pop up is relatively trivial to me. So the more important ones to me are those that affect the social order and they go
on for years, decades. So now a couple of things. Let's work down our list over here, okay? So the top is this guy, Dr. Jack Cruz. He's got a interview out there. I'm sorry, I can't remember the interviewer's name. But Jack is a raspy old guy. He's got a lot of energy. He's a neurosurgeon.
He's a very educated individual, right, beyond his schooling. And he's formed all different kinds of appropriate conclusions based on his education. He's raspy, right? He's irritated. And he does not suffer fools at all. So he's out advising Robert Kennedy and these kind of people. Anyway,
Jack has a very interesting story to tell in this interview about how all of the humans on the planet, 300 million humans on the planet in the 1950s were infected with simian virus number 40, SV40 they called it, or green monkey virus.
which was isolated from these green monkeys in order to grow these vaccines for the Salk vaccine. So this was a deliberate poisoning attempt in my opinion because this SV40 was known to cause cancer. Now they've got it to where it's hyper and it will cause the turbo cancers.
It was undoubtedly the SV40 that caused all of the cancers that I suffered that killed my father. We were a military family. You just got the fucking injections, right? You had no choice. In my case, my brother's case, we both ended up getting two doses of the salt vaccine, so we got a double dose.
It killed my brother early. It just killed my father, probably contributed to my mother's death. But basically, everybody I've met in the Western world in my life since the 50s has probably been poisoned with this SV40. It's in all the vaccines now. So this is where cancer comes from. It's a moneymaker for the big pharma.
This is why they do it. In my opinion, you are a fool to take any vaccines or give any vaccines to a child under any circumstances. There's no logic to it. and there is a very definite downside to it. Plus, it is a deliberate murder campaign from the Elohim worship cult, which Dr. Jack touches on. Now,
what's interesting about Dr. Jack is that he's really irritated and stuff, but he's not a doomer and gloomer. There are things you can do. He's advising some people. He's not approaching the things you can do from the same level or the same route that I am. This is probably quite good because we'll
at some point will overlap in the various things we do. And some of these things that I'm doing, he may not have thought of and vice versa. That's a complicated subject on its own. And so that'll have to be many videos to discuss anti-cancer protocols and so on. But everybody's been tainted.
You have to understand that you are at risk right now and that you need to to not do those things that will boost that level of risk. So you need to watch Jack's video and let him lay out, it's long, and let him lay out those areas where you need to be very concerned.
Now I have blue blocker glasses on and you see how blue the screen is here, even with orange light, or not orange light, but yellowish light. The computer screens are designed to throw out this blue radiation, which is part of the process that is basically killing you. They've got chemtrails. They've got the vaccines in you.
They're destroying your foods. The super processed foods are not food, guys. They are just a true horror. I don't eat anything that comes in a plastic bag like that. I never buy anything that's in the middle of the grocery stores. I go get veggies, I get milk, I get eggs. That's all I get at grocery stores.
Anyway, so you're under assault. It's happening continuously. It's been happening all your life. You've been greatly weakened by this. Humanity has been greatly weakened by this assault by the Elohim worship cult. The Jewish Mafia is what Jack Cruz calls it. But we can recover, and we will recover, and we will overcome.
Now, you really need to go and watch that video. If I can get my shit together, I'll put a link to that video in the text underneath this. I'm going to post this on Substack. Usually, Substack's the only place I can get adequate bandwidth. from being so far out to be able to upload. Rumble can take forever.
Same with Bitchy, right? Sometimes I do those, but a lot of times not. Anyway, so, go see Jack's video. I'll be doing a bunch of videos on anti-cancer protocols and things like that. I've had cancer three times, serious cancer three times, you know, surgery, the whole deal, right? Had a full-on mastectomy.
The SV40 has a tendency to cause colon cancers in people that have certain kinds of DNA in the sense of if you're male, you're more likely to get a colon cancer from SV40 than other kinds of cancer. You get an internal gut cancer. It may be liver cancer. It also might be spleen or pancreas.
But more often than not, it's colon, statistically. If you're female, it's going to be much more likely that it's going to be breast cancer. Now with the new version of the vaccines that they've got out there that everybody took, the COVID shit, they're trying to kill you off quick. So you get the turbo cancers, right?
The turbo cancers are, I have not experienced those. So my knowledge is not personal. The other cancers I have, I've had skin cancer, I've had breast cancer, I've had colon cancer. Colon cancer killed me. In the process, just as an aside, In the process of recovering and building my body up,
I had to learn to sleep around the issues of losing a bunch of my gut to surgery, which makes your food cycle very quick, so you get up at night all the time, this sort of thing. In that process, I invented this Pure Sleep product. This is the time these next six months, you're going to need this.
If you've got sleeping problems now, you're really going to need this. Get some of that. It's at Again, if I get my shit together, I'll put a link in the description, but it's not hard to find. Anyway, so that's Jack Cruz. Really worked the effort. The next thing down on our list here is E-U-S-I-B-I-U-S, Pantelis.
So it's Eusebius Pamphilus. It's a guy's name. He's in the Roman Empire period. He's our whistleblower. He's our whistleblower from 325 Common Era, right back at the time of the Council of Nicaea and Constantine. His book called The Life of the Blessed Emperor Constantine, which is just terrible to read. I'll tell you about that in a second.
But his book details his experiences, which he puts forth as a whistleblower in the Council of Nicaea when they invented Jesus Christ. So the Council of Nicaea was convened in 325 and it went on for a number of years. Okay, so Constantine was a British guy.
He was born emperor of Britain and Gaul, which is France, and parts of Spain. As a young man, he felt his oaths and used his power as the emperor of Britain, France, and Spain to attack Rome and take over the Roman Empire. He was somewhat weak at that point. and he was an internal, external enemy.
So Britain ruled, or a Brit ruled the Roman Empire at that period of time. He had a lot of problems because there were thousands and thousands of religions. There were over 2,500 that really gave him fit, okay? The problem was that these people called the Presbyters were rural bumpkins
that insisted that, and bear in mind, 99.99% of the planet is illiterate. Nobody can read, you know, there's no real literature, it's all oratory. And so for, you know, there's no videos. You go down to the public square and listen to some guy talk or two guys debate or whatever, and that's the entertainment. Anyway, so these presbyters,
were running around spewing out 2,500 variants of all these various religions. And the empire, the Roman Empire, one of the reasons it was weak was under the assault of the presbyters. And they called it, they didn't call it a woke virus because they didn't have the, or they may have used the word virus,
but they used it in the Roman sense, which meant evil. And so it was a woke evil, and they did indeed call it woke. Later on, Constantine engineered it such that he took over the woke virus, and I'll tell you about that in a second. Anyway, so our whistleblower there, Pamphilus,
he wrote quite a bit of stuff about the early history of the church and wrote about his experiences in the Council of Nicaea. And it is buried, the books that he's got are effusive, like nine pages to every, nine pages of effusive material to every one page of actual, you know, factual declarative stuff, right?
And it's all effusive stuff about what a great guy Constantine was. Now I can't stand these kind of writings. It's very tedious to plow through in any event. But he details how they invented Jesus Christ. And in the Council of Nicaea in 325 current era,
Constantine convened all the presbyters and they got them all to Nicaea out of Rome. And they had said, okay, what we want to do is we want to have one unifying religion for all the Roman empire. I don't give a shit what it is, Constantine said, right? Let's pick one of these fuckers and be done with it.
I can't have this chaos. a lot of it actually came down to the presbyters redefining language very much like the woke people do now and there was also a not subtle Elohim worship cult influence on this whole process so he convenes the council and
They start fighting and thrashing around, deciding they want to pick one of the gods. And there's 2,500 of these guys, of these gods that are represented. And so it becomes quite the melee. Everybody, you know, it's their version of a maelstrom. Everybody's just thrashing around, fighting, and so on. This goes on,
and then finally they come up with a process, and they've decided that they are a convocation, and that as a convocation, they would vote, and that that's how they would do it. They would ballot. And so that's the language he used. They balloted. And they balloted for 18 fucking months. And they whittled it down, okay?
So they didn't waste their time 100%. But you have to understand something else about this process, right? There's no modern communications. There's no speed faster than a horse. at the time so there's not a lot of pressure to do things rapidly and a lot of
these presbyters were now in the heartland of luxury because they were being kept and fed by the empire while this process was going on so it was a government boondoggle and they milked it for all it was worth and so they kept voting and kept
voting and throwing objections up and voting and redoing it and so on and so on it took 18 fucking months in that time they had whittled it down somewhat Anyway, Constantine, I'll do a spoiler alert here and say that Constantine got really irritated.
He needed to have stuff happen because there were big parts of the empire in that 18 months that had started to really fracture into this woke shit. And so what he did was he went back to Nicaea 18 months after he'd started all this process and initiated it. And he told him okay,
you guys gotta make a decision and they they said well, okay We'll do one final ballot the ballot won't come down and we'll give you the options And so they did a final ballot and they whittled it down to five Potential gods for Constantine to choose from right and so he he chose the unifying God for
the Roman Empire in 327 AD and he chose Yeshua, who was a British God, and Krishna, who was a Hindu God, and smooshed them together. And the Krishna, he Romanized it, and it became Christ. And so it was Yeshua Christ, later on to become Jesus, once the J entered into the alphabet.
Which was, I think the first occurrence was like 85 years later, 85 years after the conference. Anyway, it doesn't matter, after the convocations. Anyway, so they invented Jesus Christ at that point. And then they put our whistleblower guy here, Eusebius Panthellus, in charge of creating the New Testament, the new testimonies.
And what they did, and so the call went out in 327 to all of the presbyters who had survived. Okay, so there were a bunch of them that gave Constantine shit, and he had them assassinated. They were poisoned or they were stabbed or hauled off or whatever. depending on how egregious they were and annoying.
So a bunch of them had died in this process in the inn in the last five or six months of that 18-month period of time they were doing the balloting. And then there was another episode a little bit later, I think maybe, I don't know the timing,
but there was another episode of death among all of these people that were the original church founders as they were poisoned by, the rabbinical councils, which weren't called rabbinical councils at the time. They were called Pharisees. And they were poisoned by the Pharisees because these people were resisting the inclusion of the Old Testament, the Torah,
in the new Roman Bible. And the Pharisees were desperate to get it in to establish themselves as part of the state because they could see where this was going. So anyway, so that was your spoiler alert. So it turns out that Jesus Christ was invented. He was created 100%. Eusebius,
he is a lead-in to other people like Josephus and his pious forgeries where they invented the stations of the cross, put him in Palestine and so on. Eusebius had some inkling of that. They made him the bishop of Caesarea, which was in Palestine. That was part of his payoff for all of this.
He almost might have been Pope, but he didn't quite live long enough. Anyway, so that's the background of it. He's going to be real important here real quick, but he's our whistleblower from 325 CE. Now, the last thing I want to talk about here is also about language. So one more thing about that.
Constantine, to his credit, I want to say it was... 335, maybe a little bit before that, somewhere in the 330s, current era back then, after the convocation, after they created Christ, Constantine used the power of the empire in the sense of money, and he paid for, this is probably one of the very first mass psychology operations going,
that was paid for by the government, but he paid people to go out and prostitutize the new religion. And their phrase that they ended up using in Latin was, are you woke to Yeshua Krishna, right? Or Yeshua Christ, are you woke to that? Which is like, hmm. So that was a little funny, right?
I thought that to be humorous. And he did that for a number of years and it spread rapidly. It worked very well. Bear in mind, all of these people are very much normies. They're very much authority bound. They don't have a whole lot of ability to think for themselves nor a lot of information for themselves.
So it became relatively easy for Constantine to push a unifying religion. It really sort of worked for a little while, but then it faded. Turns out later on that you find out that 500 years later, they have another convocation which undoes everything.
It says the first convocation was horseshit and all this stuff is bogus and blah, blah, blah. Also, by the way, we find out that through this process that one of the reasons that they didn't want to fuck with the Torah, the Old Testament, which was offered as the most complete fiction that could be included without geographic references.
So you notice that the Torah, you know, modern Jews think that Jews were slaves in Egypt and built the pyramids. But there's not a word in the Torah or the Bible about the pyramids. And you would think that if the Jews actually were in Egypt, whether the pyramids existed ahead of them or whether they built them,
you would think that they would mention them. So all this stuff, it just doesn't add up on its face. And now we have these various different kinds of whistleblowers that are coming out. So anyway, so now to this last one here, which is the other language thing, which is rescue the republic. Now,
Jack is language because you're going to hear how they, Big Pharma, government, and the military, they don't fear anything. They just do it. There's nobody that's going to get on their case. And they are using language as a cover for their actions in this giant anti-humanity campaign that's run by the Elohim worship cult. that controls the state.
Just as they attempted to control the state in Eusebius' time from Jerusalem and also from Babylon, by bribing first, they tried to bribe the presbyters that were at the Council of Nicaea, follow on in which was the actual formation of what became the Bible off of Eusebius' new testimonies.
But then after the bribery didn't work, they just murdered him. Just like we find today that the Pharisees kill 37, they assassinate 37 candidates for president for Mexico in order to get this Jewish selected and put in as president for Mexico. So they're using the same tactics. They don't have anything new.
You can spot them a mile away if you're paying attention to this stuff. And yeah, it makes you into an anti-Semite. There's no question. And an anti-Semite. But I'm not an anti-Semite. I like the Palestinian people. I like the Semitic people, right? Because a Semite is just someone that speaks a particular language.
But I'm very much against Judaism. In any event. So, Rescue the Republic. Now, this is a conference, for lack of a better word, a get-together, all about rescuing the United States Republic. And I get that. My bitch with this, and, you know, this is like Heather Hying and Brett Weinstein and, you know,
that strata of mainly academic kind of people expressing how they're not normies anymore and they're woke and they want this shit to change, right? They're woke to a lot of this stuff and they point out some of the stuff that Dr. Jack has. Dr. Jack, he's been woke way to the fuck back when.
or not woke, he's been awake to this way the fuck back when, right? And so his language is going to be a little bit different than these guys. But what gets me is the word rescue. These people are still thinking as normies because think of what a rescue implies.
Think of what you infer out of that word and what it implies. It implies that there is something that needs to be rescued, which means it's not in a good state. It needs that assistance and so on. And it is true, we need to rescue the Republic, right, at that level.
But I dispute this on a couple of other levels because the Republic died in 1871 when it was taken over by the corporation. Trump killed the corporation, so the corporation is dead. Now we're watching all of the minions walk around until they finally fall over, until the system collapses. So in that sense, I do not believe we,
It is best to even use the word rescue because it implies weakness everywhere. If I were doing it, I would have said, restore the republic, right? Much more, much more big key feeling. Let's restore the fucker. It's okay to rescue someone, certainly. But in a rescue,
there's all this other shit that has to be done to make them well again and get them healthy up there, right? And so it implies, now we have to go through shit even in restoration. Even if we were to restore the republic, we've got to go through a lot of shit to restore it.
But in my opinion, it does not exist now, and it has not existed in my entire life. And so I think it would be cool to live in a republic, and I want one of those. So I'm all for them on the republic part. I just am bitching about the word rescue. I know. I'm a pedantic bastard.
Anyway. So let's get into some of this other stuff here. So, these are the next six months laid out. Over in October, that's the stuff that I expect to appear. In November, this is some of the stuff that I expect to appear in some of the follow-on that will be coming out in October.
Same thing with December, January, February, and so on. February has some shit that's going to appear on its own that is interconnected to some of these threads that will start this month. But it's an interesting month because there's stuff that's going to pop up out of the blue, so to speak, right? It's predictable that it'll be there.
It's wildly unpredictable as to what form it's going to take as we get into this. All right, so just to deal with that right now, in October, I'm expecting this... the UFO encounter, so humanity encountering UFOs, humanity encountering aliens, at something more than the woo level, at something more of an official level.
And not just a bunch of politicians blathering about it, but some actual energies emerging. Okay, I can't say what form it'll be. Maybe it'll be a lot of UFOs being sighted. Maybe it'll be a UFO fleet. Maybe it'll be a UFO that just hangs there.
But some level of an encounter with the UFO that will be mirroring or reflecting or presaying some of the verbiage that will be surfacing in officialdom. And so we'll be, in October, we're sort of transiting out of the Wu period or out of the Wu language for UFOs into official language, into mainstream media,
such that you won't get the snickers when you say, oh, I saw a UFO. You know, say, wow, wow, you know, damn, I wish I'd been there, that sort of thing, right? Okay, this UFO encounter will bring out language, for sure language, of exposing the Elohim. And this is going to have subsequent carry-on, subsequent...
manifestations, but also continuing energies being put into these manifestations. So we're going to get the Elohim exposure, which is going to upend global religion, because you're going to be able to trace the Elohim, which is a name, which is applied by the Jews in the Torah,
and you're going to be able to trace that back from all of their other iterations, and you see that we're talking about the same set of gods no matter what pantheon you're discussing. So if you're talking about Chinese group of gods or the Hindu gods, Shiva, Rama, all of these,
they all relate to and are simply called different names in these various different languages. And that the Hebrew seems so odd relative to the others because of the limitation of Hebrew, the language itself, being so dense and stupid. It has very few words, and they're having to invent them like mad.
They've got issues inventing new words in Hebrew anyway. Language doesn't lend itself to that. But in any event, so the Hebrew representation of these gods is as it is because it was a reduction of much richer language into a, or stories out of a rich language into a poor language in terms of descriptors.
And so we get this kind of, stilted view of things coming out of the Old Testament and the Torah that seems different linguistically than the other representations of all these pantheons of these space aliens pretending to be gods. But anyway, that's going to come on out and it's going to upend global religion.
That global religion upending is already started for a lot of different reasons. Relative to, in my opinion, or boosted by the Earth at all being in this new region of space and humanity getting bombarded by all of these new energies, right? These galactic center emanations. It's actually making some of us smarter.
Anyway, so I'm expecting a manifestation from this global religion upending. that manifestation is going to be very heavily focused on language. As we see, our language is now under assault by the Woconians. They want to change the definition of everything and tell you that a man can become a woman and all this kind of shit.
And so that level of mental distortion will still continue, but it's going to be amplified and subsumed in what I'm calling first wave language. And this first wave language is gonna be really, it's gonna be its own maelstrom. It's gonna be a whirlpool because it's gonna include a lot of people that are becoming, by first wave,
I mean the first wave flowing through the normies in which they understand, in which they get an inkling of something, right? Oh my God, the world is not as I was told, that kind of thing. This first wave going through the normies, in the language and so the subjects are going to be different some normies are
going to get that off of UFOs some will get it off of the COVID some will get it off of the vaccines a lot of people will see Dr. Jack's video and some of the normies will say oh my god the military is trying to
kill us and I've got this in me right now you know because you do you've got this as a green monkey virus shit in you and it causes cancer uh And this is where the cancer way it came from. Jack's got some interesting stories.
One of his stories is about this doctor in the 1920s who told people to rush on over to the operating room to look at a cancer because this is the first time that they're ever gonna see one and maybe the last time. These are medical students, right? Because cancer was so rare.
I read tons of stuff and I read lots of medical material, articles, journals, newspaper articles, all different kinds of things from the 1850s up through the 1960s. But up through into the 1920s, it was quite true. Cancer was so rare that you would frequently see, once 1920 rolled around,
you would frequently see this phrase in these various different articles by doctors where they would say, just glancing, just haphazard, they would say, know blah blah blah patient presented such and such kind of cancer and then they would say the first cancer i'd ever seen or uh and you know uh this was uh and
they'll say like and as all the others um this patient was also vaccinated and so they're basically saying there's no cancer without vaccines and there were a couple of guys that actually stated just that one was a guy that had been a vet and then had gone on to this is in like
1914 through 1924, somewhere in there. And he wrote in 1924, after he swapped over to human medicine, that he'd never seen cancer in animal or human that was unvaccinated. So, you know, something to bear in mind, right? Anyway, so the first wave language is going to be very interesting.
It's going to be very disturbing to a lot of people. Because this first wave is that part of the language process that engenders the energy flowing through the rest of the mass. So it imparts change and energy on its own.
And it's going to continue for maybe a couple of years, because it's going to go through all the normies. So in October, you may hear normies expressing shock and dismay and so on. about Jack Cruz and what he has to say.
But we may also get the same language out of Normies six months to a year from now that are just then encountering this information. It'll be that powerful and that continuous. Okay, so now we get into November and it'll probably, it's a shade over. Okay, so it's probably not going to be,
it might still be in October and maybe it'll actually be in November, but we're going to get moonshit. Okay, we're going to get some discussion at an official level about the anomalies of the stuff on the surface of the moon. Activities on the moon, people on the moon, aliens on the moon, that sort of thing.
None of which will be resolved or there may be factual support. We may get evidence of these things, but it's mainly showing up in the language. And the interesting thing about this tranche of language going to the moon because of course it also encompasses and has with it UFOs, it has with it Elohim connections,
all of these different kinds of things because of the cross links, because of the nature of the language. But this is the, it's the moon language that produces this globalist response in February. And what we don't know is how the globalists are going to respond to this.
But it takes them a number of months because we get some form of an occurrence, say, prior to December, maybe in the end of October, maybe all in November, I don't know, about this information about the moon. But it takes these guys some time to formulate and come up with their response.
And then this is still all this thread going out for maybe a number of years, I don't know, but for at least the next six months. And so there's elements that, or there are descriptors for the language about the globalist response in February that indicate that it may be being used for multiple purposes in the sense that
they may, or they're probably going to include a lot of language in their response that they're using for distraction and disinfo. And the whole response may be formulated that way. So what's interesting to me is that that response carries forward, but that it's an also-ran, so to speak. That by the time we get into February,
whatever these globalists puke up out of their thinking, yeah, it's reported on and so on, But it's like people just don't care. There's not a lot of energy that's put into that other than what they are putting in. And they will put considerable energy. They'll put money behind it and so on.
But it's just not going to get the traction that they're anticipating that it will have. And that we're going to get thereafter. We'll find that the major threat of the moon shit becomes amplified. disrupted, it won't be so cohesive, but it will certainly be amplified at all these different levels by the stuff that's going on here, right?
The banking balloon is going to pop in these three months. The banking balloon is not necessarily stock market and stuff, but it does include that. But what it really is referring to is the underpinning for the fiat currencies okay and ultimately all the underpinning for the fiat currencies
all goes back to not gold or anything like that but to the u.s treasury markets the bonds right and other assets and so we're going to see the asset balloon pop over these months that'll include real estate so it would not surprise me it'd be hugely devastating but it would not surprise me
to see a 90% drop in the price of real estate in North America, especially commercial real estate, when expressed in Bitcoin or gold, because you're going to need some solid basis. You're not going to be able to understand what's happening to our real estate market and all of these other asset markets.
unless you have something that is not fiat denominated. Because we may find that your house that you paid $100,000 for, by the time we get into December, if you listed it, it might be listed for a million. And you think, wow, well, not a good thing, right?
Because it's actually a giant depreciation of the value of the house attempting to be compensated for depreciation in the sense of purchasing value of the currency, thus inflation of the currency, and you attempt to compensate for this by hiking the price up. But the fact of the matter is, under the circumstances,
there's no one there to give you that million for that house, even if it's a, they won't even be financing the illegal aliens then with free bank loans that they never have to pay back. They will go through that, by the way. And they're going to run into something. I don't know if it'll be in California,
but I think it'll be in the southwest to where a bunch of white guys are just going to go show up at all of these places and claim to be illegals. And they want the government benefits too. Anyway, and it's going to cause some real problems. And it'll make the media.
And that'll be over this period of time here too. Anyway, so the banking balloon is going to pop. This is going to ripple on for a long time. When the banking balloon pops in January, it's going to cause some real shit to hit government.
That shit is going to cause us to have some form of a government collapse. And I think that maybe in January is where you get some level of employees just walking away because they can't be paid enough to make them sit there for eight hours and do that government bullshit anymore because the amount that they're being
paid won't be able to be spent because it'll be in fiat currencies. So it doesn't matter if they're paying you $10,000 a day to do this work for the government if that $10,000 a day won't go out and buy you a McDonald's and you need a McDonald's, right? A McDonald's burger. I shouldn't eat those, by the way.
Anyway, so we're going to have this government collapse. It may be that government just packs it in. A lot of these places understand that their budgets are wholly underwatered. they don't have the income to support the staffing that they have now, and they just lay them off in mass.
So that's going to contribute to this whole maelstrom, to the whole stew of everything churning, right? And then also we're going to have a government balloon pop, okay? And the language describing that would suggest that it's the balloon of secrecy. So I don't know if it's a flood of classified information,
If it's the fact that the government itself has collapsed and there's no one there to classify the information anymore, so it just gets spewed out. Or there's no one there to corral it, so it just gets spewed out. But these two in combination mean that thereafter,
we basically have a free media because there won't be government coming out to kill you for reporting on shit that they don't want you to report on. Won't be a clear deadline. So, you know, watch yourself. Stay paranoid, right? But so from... From February on we get these threads that keep going and keep going and keep going.
Government continues to collapse and has less and less abilities and so that engenders more of a collapse and they have less ability to control the money which more of a collapse, etc., etc. And it just keeps going on and on. It is in the February period of time that we get the globalist reaction and they're
reacting to shit that started back in October. and have yet to really even start reacting to all the other stuff that's going on, but their reaction is going to be impacted because their minion base is greatly whittled down. And a lot of those that are still working for them are questioning the long-term
career viability of working for the Elohim worship cult in all of its various different forms, especially now that we're getting all of the exposure and all of this sort of thing, right? All of the Abrahamic religions are bogus, they're 100% fake. It's not possible for Muhammad to have encountered an angel, angels are a creation of fiction.
Gabrielle was a fiction of him speaking to him. So we're gonna get the same problems within Mohammedanism that we're getting within Christianity, and it's also going to impact Judaism, right? Different reasons are gonna take Judaism down, but we're in this process where all of these things are going down,
and then the UFO and the aliens are gonna show up. So under these circumstances, it's gonna be really a double whammy to the control structures that are religious. I think that's about it. We're going to get a lot of... So the shit on the moon is not our shit. It's not our civilization's stuff, right?
If there are elements of our civilization up there, they are rogue from our civilization and not necessarily part of whatever the fuck is going on up there. There's so little we know about it, but we can say that that shit is not our shit. And we're going to get a lot of shit from this moon shit.
Whatever it is, this thing is going to be affecting us. And this is not a purely linguistic trend. So the language is going to be continuing at a very intense level because there's activity and stuff happening behind that language where we may not see it. But as long as government is existent out here, up until we get,
this may be the complete collapse period, right? And then it's, all this shit's just coming out. But as long as government is in existence and is in some form of control, they are going to be officializing, right? They will be normalizing the UFO and the Elohim discussion through this period of
time because there's activity and stuff going on up here that I think they don't understand. They may think they understand it, but they really don't. And they will be, this is the period of time that I expect them to come on back and clamp down on the woo people.
So I'm warning a lot of the woo people about this, right? Not the buttheads like Corey Goode or David Wilcock who are spewing out channeled shit, that sort of thing, right? But those people that are actually accurately, psychically active. So no channeler. They're not going to give a shit about any channelers. You know, Jay-Z Knight is safe.
Basher is safe. All these people channeling this shit. All the Farsight people doing their channeling of that alien board meeting kind of thing. It's funny, right? Actually, I can't watch it because it's too much of a mind pollution, let's create a religion thing here. And channeling is stupid. I hate channeling.
channeling also according to the yogis if you channel you're doing yourself in future lives to mental illness and they have all this reason you can go look it up as to why that actually occurs and I think some of their reasoning is factual
anyway so the government's going to come on in in this period of time we've got language for it where they come in and they you know like they may go um uh uh put an exclusive contract on all the remote viewers, that kind of thing, right?
Because they need the information and because they don't want certain shit leaking out in any kind of a format that would have any sort of veracity. So they don't care about the Farsight guys because Courtney Brown's crazy, he's trying to create a religion, and none of these people have any validation or verification that they've ever
contacted any kind of an entity. And by the way, with channeling, you do not contact entities. What's actually going on is inimicable, antithetical, harmful energies are causing disturbances in your mind and that stuff is just bubbling up out of your mind. You're not talking to an entity knowing entity is talking through you.
The archangel Michael never talked through David Wilcock and didn't exist, does not exist as Wilcock even considers it in any event though. Be advised, if you're in the woo business, you may have official contacts that will be less than pleasant, but you do have leverage. So if they're hassling you, they need you.
And so just bear that in mind. So anyway, guys, I'll let you go. It's been long enough. I'm going to get another cup of tea anyway and get started and get some stuff going on here. Sorry for the length of this, but We're into the shit now. Welcome to the Maelstrom.
We're here, and as long as conditions last this way, we're in the swirlies. So take care, people. You're going to see a lot of other people coming to these same conclusions, that we're in the swirlies. Hopefully they won't flush.
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