Trump, Tucker Carlson, Russel Brand, John Rich. DO NOT BE DECEIVED.

4 months ago




There is a fair amount online exposing Russel Brand but one just needs to know their King James Bible and exercise discernment to see the obvious Red Flags.

Jesus said let no man deceive you by any means for many will come in my name and say that I am the Christ (messiah) and deceive many.

Let No man steal your crown. Do not get blotted out of the book of life.

All scripture warnings to name just a few of many.

These guys will talk the talk to get your trust and confidence and then they have you. They tell the masses what they want to hear. They are infiltrators. Jesuits, Zionists, Chabad Lubavitch, Noahide laws, phycological ops, Freemasons, secret society's.

OH yes they can speak Bible and tell you exactly what happening right now like The Mark of The Beast, The Antichrist, that following Jesus Christ will and is costly. It all sounds good to the unwise and the Fools of this world.

But in reality they are saying this is what we "The Elite" are doing to you. This is where we are at in this moment of time. The Bible End times is the script and they know it.

The Judaism god and the God of the KJB genesis to Revelation ARE NOT THE SAME.

Lucifer is worshipped by many and God the Father and his only begotten Son Jesus the Christ Messiah are in reality worshipped by only few.

Both men are Trump devotees mouth pieces and Trumps boss is the Zionist Talmud Chabad pagans. Synagogue of Satan yes those guys.

That the book of Revelation warns about.

So don't be so easily manipulated with your flesh tickled by their vain words and flowery so called biblical speech.

These men have an alternative ending for the story that is unfolding (the biblical end of days) and their god in whom they trust is (Money) Apollo, Lucifer, Satan the Devil and his advocate Barack Hussein Obama.

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