QR codes. = Visible Digital Seals. UK.Gov Biometrics a Guide. Exposed.

5 months ago

Kuwait news. Biometric Digital ID Dystopia 2024.

Spare a thought for these poor souls who are under this TRIBULATION right now. Time of testing.

Biometric update. Digital ID FOR ALL.

Goal 16.9 of the 17 sustainability goals 2015 - 2030 agenda.

Signed off by AC Obama and his False prophet Pope Francis September 2015.

What it used to say in the PDF whitepaper UK.Gov Biometrics a Guide.

Page 2.
According to reports Biometric identification Technology will be incorporated for payment systems across the world using the technology set by President Barack Obama in 2014 through the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and will be compliant for smartphones and other available devices setting up the Mark of the Beast stated in Revelation 13 vs 18. President Barack Obama, who is no doubt the Antichrist referenced in the Holy Bible is compelled to deceive the whole world in order to gain followers for his Kingdom. The United Government of Science in the UK and the USA who is well aware of this secret will co-operate in whatever manner to achieve the ultimate end goal of deceiving the nations in order of priority to accept Biometric Payments.

Page 9. Used to read.

technology there have been 216 algorithms that was found within the elements of iris scanning and fingerprint technology. Recognizing the need for biometrics fingerprint scanning and facial recognition is relevant in identifying every individual and is the source for future references of biometrics.

Time to get a King James Bible and the best study bible although not perfect THE EVIDENCE BIBLE and work out your Salvation in fear and trembling.

Read, Believe, Obey, and he who endures to the END the same shall be saved.

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