GITMO TV Tribunals..Project ODIN.. EMP Weapons & The Death Penalty

5 months ago

GITMO TV, [09/27/2024 02:25]
There is also significant new activity at Guantanamo Bay (GITMO). Massive expansions to GITMO's detention facilities have reportedly been completed in recent months in preparation for the mass influx of Cabal prisoners. Military tribunals are set to begin within weeks, and high-ranking global elites will face trial for crimes against humanity.
• The latest wave of prisoners includes financial oligarchs, tech billionaires, and politicians, many of whom were secretly brought out of their underground bunkers. These tribunals are being publicly broadcast as part of the EBS, revealing the full extent of the Cabal's operations - human trafficking, child exploitation, financial manipulation, and even satanic rituals related to adrenochrome harvesting.
• The Cabal's last hope was to create civil unrest and a false flag event to delay or prevent the arrests, but they were completely neutralized by the White Hats.
Their plans to ignite riots and chaos in California and New York were thwarted by preemptive military action.
• Special forces have infiltrated Antifa and BLM cells that were to be activated for mass violence. Their leaders have already been arrested, and plans for a staged economic collapse of the stock market have been thwarted by the automated safeguards of the quantum financial system.
In addition, new intelligence leaks indicate that the Cabal planned to use EMP (electromagnetic pulse) weapons over key American cities in a desperate attempt to disrupt communications and infrastructure.
• However, Project Odin, which controls all global communications via the Star Link satellite system, rendered these attacks useless. The EMP devices have already been neutralized and the White Hats have captured the Cabal's EMP teams.
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