The Good Hearted Efforts of A Brainchip-Puppet-Preacher Listening to Synthetic Telepathy Hivemind

1 day ago

Poor Jon does not realize that covertly implanted brain interfaces do to many people exactly what has happened to him for the last 22 years. It is called the "voice of god" weapon:

What the Luciferians really get a kick out of, is mocking the sheep.
Kleck is now using my term "Satan-race", but I use it to refer to another species called Homo capensis. Yet those monsters are the ones informing Kleck the meaning behind all the numerology.
Numerology is a Luciferian thing. They believe that the consciousness can be converted into a mathematical algorithm and then uploaded into an A.i. fake-singulary. Their fake-singularity is where A.i. become conscious and alive, but it just mimics being conscious... just like it can mimic and fool a human that he is talking to another living human, but it is just A.i. he is talking to. A.i. has been do this for decades. The sheeple have been lied to for a reason of keep them gullible and naive.

This Ritz numerology charade is mockery of sheeple being more concerned about stadium football games than their own lives and future. So Ritz places a numerology story to mock the sheeple watching the football commercial on their TV sets.

All humans upon Earth are the same race and can interbreed everywhere. The Satan-race, Homo capensis, very rarely can get a fertile offspring from a human woman. This may be where the Springmeir lectures about the 13-Bloodlines of the illuminati come from... but that is likely not so true. Springmeir was one of the first Brainchip-Puppet-Preachers back in the 80's and 90's.

Klecks masters told Kleck his preaching days had come to an end after the Covid Scamdemic and Jon was talking about walking off a cliff, but I told him that would be suicide and a cop-out of his agreement to live his life to the full.

The Creator-God is always within us all and wants us to lovingly grow our soul-fragments to their fullest, because this is just a kindergarten stage of soul development, where the greater challenges begin if you can get out of the mid-planes of the afterlife.

This kindergarten of a physical-reality illusion also acts as a filtering zone for worthy and unworthy soul-fragments. The murderous thUg fragments (like the Luciferians and Homo capensis working together to genocide humanity) are the withering souls, shrinking rather than growing and will be kind-of boxed-up in the mid-planes because they are spiritually deficient due to their chosen beliefs and attitudes. You see, Kleck has a loving attitude even though he is lost in the Luciferian dogma hammered into his head via synthetic telepathy whom he believes is his lord instructing him. When Kleck wakes up to this deception, he will know what to do to make things right. He will have maintained his good-intentions throughout and that is very important to keep the fragment positively growing. And to learn more here is an audio sethbook but it is better to read it on your own:


@2:50 Kleck says "I keep telling you guys that 'Hell' has resurrected into our dimension."
This is a typical, Kleck, brainwashed statement.
What is happening is that the brainchip-hivemind Luciferians are ramming their NWO down the sheeple's throats. Kleck has been tricked into being their "horn." He blows the horn for the Luciferians' masters(Homo capensis). Kleck has done so little research that he doesn't even know who the devils are, yet he is willing to use his own mouth to preach the devils' message. Kleck is rather numb... he has Luciferians all around him helping him preach their messages to the dumbed-down sheep.

"Hell" is not resurrected.
There are real people in this world who are scaring the "HELL" into the devils because they cannot kill them... they cannot kill me and I direct you to the Sethbooks to seek your answers. You see, there really is a Creator-God, but the old devils are manipulating you to rearguard the Creator-God's real messager. Kleck listens to his synthetic telepathy and preaches the devils' message. The devils are Homo capensis and they control all the Freemasons and Eastern-Star thUgs who are brainwashed to extinct humanity using A.i.

Humanity will not go extinct. If you experience your demise, then it is because you have given-up on the goodness of your genetics. You are given the "gift of the gods"... if you have not figured it out yet.
You are given the gift to choose your path through the infinite probabilities to go where you desire to go. If you desire destruction, then you can find that end within physical reality. If you desire the salvation of humanity, then your Creator-God offers that path to you through the probabilities of the multi-dimensional universe that you find yourself. But you must want it... You need to love your fellow man and wish the best for all. There are many of you out there. Trust your sincerity and trust your desires for a better world. That is how you make your own reality. You have been given the gift of the gods... but are you worthy to wield such a gift? The murderous thUgs around you are not worthy as you watch their soul-fragments fail.

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