My Biggest Bow Buck Goes Down in Ohio - Part 4 The Final Hunt

5 months ago

This is Part 4 of my 2023 Ohio Bow Hunt and this is the first time I've got to bow hunt the Buckeye State and have loved every minute of it up until now. In this video, I finally get my chance to draw on a mature whitetail buck. The buck ends up being the "largest" scoring buck I've ever shot with a bow with one exception. The deer broke off over 6-inches on it's G3 and its entire eye guard which is extremely costly on an 8-point frame!

I've been utilizing a new deer attractant that really has the deer coming in! It's a Loose Mineral that is full of nutrients and products that are great for deer health and digestive systems. It's called Megalo and if you want to try some for 10% off, then use the link below and use my code kcortiana10 at checkout.

Here's the Link to Part 1 with the buck I call Candyman:

Here's the Link to Part 2 with a Giant Old 8 Pointer:

Here's a Link to Part 3:

I've never bow hunted in Ohio and I'm super excited to chase some giant whitetails with my Mathews Bow! I've only got a few days to hunt, and I've got a couple of great properties to try to get it done. I've got a couple of existing stands and one of my own to hang. I'll be bringing my trail cameras and several bags of Megalo Loose Mineral attractant to help me nail down a potential mature shooter buck.

#bowhunting #deerhunting #huntingvideos #huntingohio

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