Moontaker | "May you live in interesting times"

4 months ago

How China is the hidden variable behind every diplomatic failure between NATO and former Warsaw Pact nations such as Russia. The Chinese have a clearly defined treasonous partnership with private, government and military authorities and entities in the U.S. ensuring the failure of diplomacy and prevention of an intercontinental trade opportunity built upon cultural cohesion and shared faith. The alignment of North America, Europe, Eurasia, Australia, The Japanese Archipelago, South Korea and India means the inevitable recession of Chinese influence, even in Central and South America. As I explain in other videos, communists always try spreading throughout as much geographic territory as possible to present an illusion of success and growth to sway the undecided third world nations which they need to exploit for their own economic survival. That's what The Panama Canal's acquisition was, that's what Peru, Argentina up until recently, Brazil, Venezuela as a transient from Soviet to CCP influence is. That's what Mexico as a partner in drug trafficking, human trafficking, sex trafficking and cultural subversion against the American people through shadow alliances with the CCP and their Western Collaborators i.e. WEF, UN, DNC, Antifa to ensure visas are granted for foreign nationals from radicalized nations to enter Mexico with the intent of illegally entering the United States is as well. The CCP knows by primarily keeping NATO and Russia in a constant state of war, the two superpowers that challenge their seizure of space interests, they can misdirect us from the true economic and military intentions of their plans to establish a Moon base. Making billions selling microchips, weapons, steel, etcetera, to bankroll the bait and switch leaving us immersed in border conflicts and proxy wars while they construct the Rosetta Stone of commerce in our solar system. Leasing every space faring nation on Earth their access to the solar system with a militarized Moon Base/Interplanetary hub. Fueling depots, Low G Shipyards of CCP monopolized materials and labor, Logistical Framework and Ownership, Tourism, Energy, Trade Tariffs and every single corporation looking to capitalize on the emerging space economy by securing a hub just as airlines lease terminals at an airport. Why Mars was sidelined and NASA disassembled into the comparable scientific vernacular description as a stellar core remnant of what it once was. The Martian archaeology that's visible for anyone to see, hidden in plain sight among the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter HiRISE galleries, but never addressed by the mainstream scientific or archaeological community. How the CCP's long game is being played via American politics and the popular sentiment for war with Russia. The Chinese endgame that's really about who secures ownership of the beginning.

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