Biomedical Research Pioneer Dr. Joel D. Wallach ND / DHM / DVM on WHOLE FOOD NUTRITION

4 months ago

Dr. Wallach Credentials
Dr. Joel D. Wallach is a renowned pathologist, naturopathic physician, and biomedical research pioneer.

Dr. Joel D. Wallach holds multiple degrees, including: Bachelor’s Degree in Science of Agriculture from the University of Missouri

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM)
Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine (ND)
Naturopathic Network Association

Career Highlights
Veterinary Pathologist: Dr. Wallach worked as a research veterinary pathologist with The National Institute of Health for The Center for the Biology of Natural Systems, Washington University, for an unspecified period.

Zoological Research: He conducted autopsies on various captive wild animals dying of natural causes at zoos across the country, accumulating a vast experience of over 17,500 autopsies on 454 animal species and 3,000 human autopsies over 12 years.

Naturopathic Physician: In 1982, Dr. Wallach shifted his focus to human biology and became a licensed Naturopathic Physician. He has spent over 40+ years observing and researching the effects of individual nutrients on human health.

Naturopathic Network Association

Dr. Wallach’s work has led to significant contributions in the fields of nutrition, pathology, and naturopathic medicine. He has: Identified the importance of 90 Essential Nutrients for human health and well-being. Developed a comprehensive understanding of the relationships between nutrients, disease, and health. Authored books and lectured extensively on his findings, including the widely distributed audio tape “Dead Doctors Don’t Lie”

ROCK REISS (NNA Visionary)
Naturopathic Network Association

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