It Is Our Interpretations that Upset Us - a ‘Daily Inspiration’

4 hours ago

October 22 - It Is Our Interpretations that Upset Us - a ‘Daily Inspiration’
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When we fail to forgive, note that it is not our brother’s words or actions that we are truly upset with, it is our perceptions of what their words or actions mean, that upset us. And so what we are really upset at is our interpretations, not them. The interpretations are within our mind, not in the outside world, and thus it’s within our mind where our healing must begin. This interpretation/idea is strengthen or weaken by how much time, energy, and focus we place on it. The more we focus on and give value to this idea, the greater part of our day and life it becomes. If we desire to lessen the idea’s grip on us, then we must lessen our focus and support for it. The idea can, through our choice to focus on it hold us captive, or through our choice to forgive and release it set us free. In the end, no one else but us can hold us captive, and no one else but us can set us free.
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