Unreal 5.4 VR Tutorial for Beginners: Episode 3: New Level, Project Settings, Basics

1 month ago

This lesson covers many basics, including adding a new level, important project settings for VR (Engine-Rendering), resizing the teleport area, creating a sky, tiling materials, etc.

00:00 New Levels
07:50 Rendering Settings
12:10 Teleport Area
16:15 Tiling Ground Material
18:08 Megascans Assets, shrubberies
28:35 Create a Sky From Scratch

I'm returning to Unreal Engine after some time in Unity, so I'm recording a video series while working on this VR Project. Hopefully in the future I can refer to this video series to acclimate more quickly when moving back and forth between engines. So, if you're new to Unreal for Virtual Reality, join me as I re-learn everything! These videos are made to be friendly for beginners. Feel free to ask questions or leave comments.

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