Alien Nation ~ The Scorpions 🦂 ( Live )

2 days ago

Seems We Have Been Under Marshall Law for some time now. That’s a very good thing indeed m friends. Much better than Marshmallow Law.

When you go to Google and type in:

Official Travel by President. That will be on the Office of the Historian.

Notice a key date on the suspension:

December 20, 2019.

What all happened that day that I talk about in videos?

1. Global Fragility Act passed
2. Space Force established
3. UCMJ (Title 10) amended first time since 1950 (its new establishment)
4. Courts-Martial Handbook reissued
5. Section §1550 amended to War Powers Resolution Act of 1973 (50 USC Chapter 33)

And what happened in that 1st 180 day clause in Section §1550?

March 2, 2020 - Defense Production Act was amended and extended to September 30, 2025. 

That means every time it's invoked from that date to 9/30/2025, the funds were allocated on 3/2/2020.

The DPA has been invoked twice; check out 50 USC 50, the actual DPA. Google and off the wall media sites will tell you "Biden" has invoked it 8-11 times... nope. 

The entries in the DPA are two. They're both President Donald Trump actions.

March 27, 2020, President Trump Federalized up to 1 million Reserve Components to Active-Duty. 

April 30, 2020, President Trump DIRECTED the Secretary of Defense the authority to Federalize Reserve Components to Active-Duty. That's a direct order from CIC to 2nd in line of command of military - the Secretary of Defense. 

On July 19, 2021, in the Executive Documents of Section 1550, "Joe Biden" delegates the authority and functions by THE President OF Section 1550 to the Secretary of Defense, which in this case would be a Continuity of Operations action. It does not mean "Joe" is in charge... due to all the other Military and Federal Laws and Orders surrounding that action.

In the April 2016 Special Operations Command publication it talks about:

Shadow Government
Underground Facilities (Subterranean Warfare)
Title 50 operations

President Trump has said in speeches:

"We're taking it back to 2020." 

Meaning, all of 2021 to present day has been an Operation.

This is also why the Media says things like:

"You said you were going to suspend the Constitution."

That's all disclosure. 

The Suspension Clause is CONSTITUTIONAL as it's Article 1 Section 9 Clause 2 of the United States Constitution. 

Covid was a Biological Chemical Threat to our Nation. Very worthy of shutting down the Constitution and invoking Martial Law which is what a Military Occupation is, also Constitutional. 

The President does NOT have to tell the people we are in Martial Law... that's asinine for anyone to believe that. 

As President, he's to keep Civil Rest no matter what a portion of society are saying and thinking. 

Presidential Emergency Action Documents expand the power of the President. There's enough evidence when you piece it all together to show all these things would have been done and done lawfully. Plus there'll be people on all sides of the aisle who signed on this and are witnesses as it's not a one sided affair.

And here's the Historian submitting suspension of services on December 20, 2019, and nothing documented since 2020. 


The Dash Matters.


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