American History Museum with Diamondback-Virginian /01-10-24 /#Gameplay #Division2 #WZ #GoldenBullet

3 days ago

The Diamondback, the Virginian, and the 1886 rifles all suffer from clunky reloads and long reload animations. Maybe if I replace Backbone with a 3rd Zwiadowka armor backpack (with normal Unstoppable Force), these rifles will act smoother.

I didn't feel the character was truly benefitting from the Negotiator's Dilemma armor set. The problem is that Negotiator's Dilemma requires a different playstyle than I'm used. Most other builds train the player to focus upon priority targets. However, Negotiator's Dilemma requires players to try and mark non-priority targets first. By then, a rifle has already expended half of its magazine.

Build Breakdown:

Main Weapon: Diamondback (CHC 3rd Attribute)
Secondary Weapon: The Virginian (CHC 3rd Attribute)
Pistol: The Harvest

Mask: Coyote's Mask (CHC)(CHHD)(CHD)(Red Core)
Chest: Grupo Sombra (CHC)(CHD)(CHD)(Blue Core)(Obliterate)
Holster: Zwiadowka Holster (CHC)(CHD)(Blue Core)
Backpack: Backbone (CHC)(CHD)(CHD) (Blue Core)
Gloves: Eagle's Grasp (CHD)(Blue Core)
Kneepads: Fox's Prayer (CHD)(Blue Core)

Striker Shield / Crusader Shield
Revive Hive

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