Episode 2549: Humility and Marian Consecration - Nightly Episode

11 hours ago

“O my God, at the end of this day I thank You most heartily for all the graces I have received
from You. I am sorry that I have not made better use of them. I am sorry for all the sins I have
committed against You. Forgive me, O my God, and graciously protect me this night. Blessed
Virgin Mary, my dear heavenly mother, take me under your protection. St. Joseph, my dear
Guardian Angel, and all you saints of God, pray for me. Sweet Jesus, have pity on all poor
sinners, and save them from hell. Have mercy on the suffering souls in purgatory. Amen.”

Humility and Marian Consecration: Seeking God’s Glory through Our Blessed Mother

Welcome back to another episode, where tonight, we will be exploring two foundational elements of our Catholic faith: the virtue of humility and the powerful role of Marian consecration in our spiritual lives. Humility is at the heart of Christian holiness, and no one exemplified this better than Our Blessed Mother. As St. Jerome so pointedly reminds us, "It is worse still to be ignorant of your ignorance." This points us toward a greater awareness of our limitations, our need for God, and our need for the guidance of the Blessed Virgin Mary in our pursuit of holiness.

We will also look at the beautiful insight offered by Edward Looney, who shows us how Marian consecration leads us to seek God’s greater glory. Through Mary’s intercession, we grow in humility, as she helps us align our desires with God’s will, offering everything to His greater glory. Together, these reflections will guide us in deepening our relationship with Christ through humility and Marian devotion.

Let’s begin with the profound words of St. Jerome:
"It is worse still to be ignorant of your ignorance."

St. Jerome, one of the great Doctors of the Church, strikes at the heart of what it means to be humble. To acknowledge one’s ignorance is the first step in seeking wisdom and holiness. But worse than being ignorant is not knowing or refusing to admit that we are ignorant. How often do we fall into this trap in our own spiritual lives? How often do we think we know best, only to realize that we are far from understanding the depth of God’s wisdom?

Humility begins with the recognition that we are limited, and that without God’s grace, we are nothing. The saints were always keenly aware of this. St. Jerome’s warning invites us to examine our own hearts and to ask: Where am I blind to my own ignorance? Where am I too proud to admit that I need guidance, that I need God’s wisdom?

The Blessed Virgin Mary is our greatest guide on this journey of humility. In her humility, she became the vessel through which God’s greatest glory was revealed to the world Jesus Christ. Mary, in her "Fiat" her "Yes" to God’s will teaches us that true humility is about recognizing that God’s ways are always higher than our own. It is about surrendering our limited understanding and entrusting ourselves to God’s infinite wisdom.

Edward Looney, in his reflection on Marian consecration, beautifully illustrates how Mary brings us closer to this perfect humility. He writes:

"Once Mary has attained Jesus' attention for us, she helps us to realize the fourth motive for Marian consecration: to obtain God's greater glory."

Marian consecration is about giving ourselves fully to Jesus through Mary. It’s about trusting that, as our heavenly mother, Mary knows what is best for us. She will always lead us to her Son, but in the process, she also helps us to grow in humility. She teaches us to let go of our own will and to desire only what brings the most glory to God.

In consecrating ourselves to Mary, we admit our own ignorance, our inability to understand God’s plans fully. We say, like Mary, "Let it be done to me according to Your word." We entrust ourselves to her maternal care, knowing that she will always lead us in the way that best glorifies God. This is where true freedom is found not in clinging to our own ideas and desires, but in surrendering them to God through Mary.

The great saints of the Church have always had a deep devotion to Mary. They understood that consecrating themselves to her was the surest way to grow in holiness. St. Louis de Montfort, the great promoter of Marian consecration, teaches that when we give ourselves to Mary, she purifies our intentions and offers our prayers to Jesus in a way that is far more pleasing to Him than if we offered them on our own. Through her immaculate heart, she transforms our weak and imperfect offerings into something truly worthy of God.

This is why humility and Marian consecration go hand in hand. It takes humility to admit that we need Mary’s help, that we cannot do it alone. It takes humility to admit that God’s glory not our own must be the ultimate goal of our lives. And it is through Mary that we learn this humility, as she teaches us to put God first in all things, just as she did.

Practical Application:
Cultivate Humility:
Take some time each day to reflect on areas in your life where you may be blind to your own ignorance or pride. Pray for the grace to see yourself as God sees you both your strengths and your weaknesses and to have the humility to ask for His help in all things.

Marian Consecration:
If you have not already done so, consider making a Marian consecration. There are many beautiful ways to consecrate yourself to Mary, such as through the 33-day preparation outlined by St. Louis de Montfort. In doing so, you entrust yourself to Mary’s maternal care, allowing her to lead you to a deeper relationship with Christ.

Seek God’s Glory in All Things:
Throughout your day, ask yourself: "Am I seeking God’s glory, or my own?" Strive to align your actions, thoughts, and desires with God’s will, trusting that He will guide you to what brings Him the most glory.

As we reflect on the words of St. Jerome and the wisdom of Edward Looney, we are reminded of the essential role humility plays in our spiritual journey. It is only when we admit our limitations, when we recognize our ignorance, that we can truly open ourselves to God’s wisdom and grace. And it is through Marian consecration that we are able to grow in this humility, as Mary leads us ever closer to her Son.

Let us strive each day to seek God’s greater glory, not our own, and to trust in the maternal care of the Blessed Virgin Mary. She knows what is best for us, and she will always intercede for us, bringing our needs to Jesus in a way that only a mother can.

Closing Prayer:

Heavenly Father,
We thank You for the gift of Your Blessed Mother, who teaches us humility and leads us to Your Son. Grant us the grace to recognize our own ignorance and to seek Your wisdom in all things. Help us to trust in Mary’s maternal care and to consecrate ourselves fully to her, so that we may live our lives for Your greater glory. Through her intercession, may we grow in humility, always seeking to do Your will and to glorify You in all that we do.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Thank you for joining us tonight. May Our Lady guide you and protect you, and may you continue to grow in humility and love for God. Until next time, God bless.

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