Predictions & Channelling Mini Moon Oct / Nov

5 months ago

From 29th September to November 25th Earth is to orbited by a second 'moon' - called a Mini Moon - actually an asteroid called 2024 PT5,
In this video I channel the Moon, the Mini Moon - its impact on the collective and YOU. Energy before it arrives and after it leaves.
REALLY interesting information and energy contained within - do watch if so called!
You may not be able to see this mini moon - but it has the potential for great impact IF you consciously CHOOSE to receive and work with its power.
Cellular Change to the lightbody it brings and evolution of the human body
How to get ready for the changes
Looking at the impact on Divine Feminine energy
Symbolism of Number 2 and relationships
Update on two trapped astronauts
The symbolism of its horse shoe orbit
The Incoming speed of the Storm (my dream last night) and the New Earth - we will make it as easy or difficult as we create - so manifest wisely.
Also referencing magic and our place in the galaxy - with guidance from Archangel Metatron, Aphrodite and Commander Ashtar
The bolt from the blue / surprise what can it be?
@AmandaEllis #minimoon #awakening #commanderashtar #archangelmetatron

Aura and Connection Sprays
Archangel Metatron Cosmos Elemental - Expand
Archangel Metatron Earth Elemental - Ground
Commander Ashtar Galactic Command Platinum Ray

Cards used: Archangel Metatron Self Mastery & Christ Consciousness Self Mastery Oracle decks by Amanda Ellis & Jane Delaford Taylor

Lunar Tarot by Jayne Wallace

Book Linda Goodman's Star Signs

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Music Intro: - - my intro music is from his album Aether the track is called Two Worlds.

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