Dr Abraham: Promoting COVID Vaccine for Kids is Bad Advice from Public Health

21 hours ago

09/26/2024 Louisiana’s first Surgeon General, Dr Ralph Abraham @DocAbraham, former member of Congress and practicing physician, testified before the House Select Committee on Homeland Security: Trust in doctors has fallen from 70% in 2020 to 40% in 2024 because people are repeatedly given bad advice. And a glaring example of bad advice from public health was a promotion of COVID vaccines for kids.
#ThirdPartyInterests #PublicHealth #TrustInDoctors #COVIDVaccines
09/26/2024 路易斯安那州首任卫生局局长、前国会议员兼执业医师拉尔夫·亚伯拉罕博士在众议院国土安全特别委员会作证:人们对医生的信任度已从2020年的70%下降到2024年的40%,原因是人们一再得到错误建议。而公共卫生部门给出错误建议的一个明显例子就是推广儿童新冠疫苗。
#第三方利益 #公共卫生 #医生信任度 #新冠疫苗

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