Our Latest Interpretation of 1Corinthians 15

5 months ago

There are 4 types of flesh mentioned, that of mankind, cattle, fish and birds. But 1Corinthians15 is not a lesson in zoology. It is a lesson in non adamic edenic restoration. for those are the bodies we get after we have died to Adam, after the original seed has died and been buried in the ground.
Mankind stands for those with adamic flesh, the sons of Adam
Cattle (domsteic animals) stand for non adamic Abrahamics, those with faith in a true church after the end of Satan's 6000 year lease on 2012Nisan14.
Fish (living in water) and water baptised Christians, the sons of the ICC, who are non adamic Isaaic in Zoar
Birds are the sons of the JAC, believers who have been born again angelically and are resident in the ark, wherein ageing stops. So these ones have kingdom bodies, which are Melchizedaic if they have no water baptism and Methuselaian if they have a water baptism.

So Cattle, Fish and Birds, represent 3 typesd of human non adamic bodies.

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