Sea Creatures Squids & Octopuses - Mysterious Hunters of the Deep Sea Documentry

10 hours ago

Octopuses and squids are both marine mollusks that are part of the cephalopod group, which also includes nautiluses and snails. They have many similarities, but also have some key differences in appearance, behavior, and reproduction:
Both have a head, mantle, and suckers on their arms. Octopuses have round bodies and eight sucker-covered limbs, while squids have a more triangular shape and 10 limbs, eight arms and two tentacles.
The largest squids can grow to be around 60 feet long, while the largest octopuses are around 16 feet long.
Squids are more likely to travel continuously, sometimes in schools, while octopuses are more solitary and often live in dens.
Octopuses usually lay their eggs on the sea floor, or some carry them around in their mouth. Squids release jelly-like clumps of eggs that float freely in the ocean.
Octopuses typically live for 1 to 5 years, while most squid species live for 1 to 3 years.
Octopuses and squids are both skilled hunters that use patience and cunning to stalk and lure prey
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