How Important For The NWO Is This Whole Ukraine Fiasco Anyway? Is A Loss A Deal Breaker For Elites?

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Many of us who had discernment when this whole thing started or shall I say reignited between Russia and Ukraine knew that Something was really fishy about what was going on. Just a little bit of research and we knew that the Russians had a very good reason for going into Ukraine actually several reasons. It wasn’t only that Ukraine was a hub for human trafficking and child trafficking but it also had several biolabs built by the west near the Russian border. Putin was also aware of adrenochrome Labs that were bleeding the youth out of young Russian children that have been abducted and brought there. But why is the west so interested in Ukraine? When you read the words written by the latest spokesman for the Rothschild family you know why it’s so important. To them success in Ukraine means success for their New World Order and for the subjectation every man woman and child on the planet earth, not to mention the extermination of those individuals in order to keep their Elitist dream alive. Today we will look and see that the whole Ukraine debacle is nothing but a power play upon which hinges the freedom of me and you and every other human being on earth. We will read the words of the elite and look at evidences showing that if you crane is successful in winning that work then the goose of every person on earth is literally cooked and if Ukraine loses the war, then the New World Order fails and all the plans of the elites go up and smoke. The show today starts at noon it is a live cast on rumble and twitch. It starts at noon Pacific time.

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