Bret Weinstein explains why the Mainstream Media & CIA Operation Mockingbird all the sudden broke.

3 months ago

I am posting this but I disagree with this guy who has not been awake that long and I have watched all this unfold since the late 1990's.
The Rothschild Zionists had bought up most of the Mainstream media TV/RADIO etc... 20+ years ago and even Globalist & original CNN owner Ted Turner had written articles about this back then.

They just BUY UP corporate media and then have an operative put in as the CEO to look over all stories and know which one to NOT air/broadcast or put on other stories to DISTRACT the publics attention in another direction from what they don't want them to find out about.

I was on the internet in the late 1990's finding ALTERNATIVE NEWS as I continued to watch MAINSTREAM MEDIA on my cable TV and it was 9/11 where the DIFFERENCE became quite CLEAR to me where Corporate Media never talked about WTC#7 again even though Alt Media showed it as the SMOKING GUN.

In the past 25 years that I have been watching, Alt Media Truth is waking people up and taking away the Corporate Media's viewership. They are forced to tell the truth sometimes just to retain their viewship as their COMPETITION is the ALT MEDIA.
How anyone can watch FOX NEWS, CNN, MSNBC, etc... just shows how asleep they still are. Talk about a LIMITED HANGOUT!

Eventually they will have to TRY to silence the internet with some sort of control mechanism because over 25 years I see MORE & MORE people waking up and MORE & MORE video/information coming out NOW than I have ever seen in the past 25 years. Goliath Media can only BUY UP$ independent online media outlets which is why CITIZEN JOURNALISM is the only media I watch.

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