Ubisoft Screws Up Again! Delays Woke Assassin’s Creed Shadows to 2025!

21 hours ago

Ubisoft Delays Assassin’s Creed Shadows AGAIN – Blames “Polish,” But Fans See Through Woke Nonsense

In a move that’s becoming all too predictable, Ubisoft has once again delayed Assassin’s Creed Shadows—this time pushing it back to February 14, 2025. The latest excuse? More time needed for “polish.” But let’s be real—fans aren’t buying it. The game, set in Feudal Japan, was supposed to be one of the most anticipated releases of the year. Instead, it's been mired in delays, controversies, and—of course—the creeping influence of Ubisoft’s DEI agenda that’s becoming increasingly hard to ignore.

At the heart of this controversy is Yasuke, one of the game’s dual protagonists. Rather than staying true to the rich history and culture of Feudal Japan, Ubisoft has decided to shoehorn in woke elements that have no business in an Assassin’s Creed game. Yasuke, a historical figure who was a real African samurai, is being used not as a compelling character, but as a vehicle for Ubisoft’s push towards forced diversity. Fans have been vocal, questioning why the company continues to prioritize ticking boxes over delivering an authentic, historical experience.

Let’s not forget the disaster that’s brewing with Ubisoft’s new "woke" character design choices. The narrative focus of Assassin’s Creed Shadows isn’t just on parkour or stealth anymore; it's about pushing inclusivity to an extreme level. Shadows isn’t even out yet, and already the decision to insert a modern-day social agenda into a historical setting has sparked controversy. Just look at the growing backlash online.

Fans are tired. The Assassin’s Creed Shadows trailers promise “expansive gameplay,” but what they’re really serving up is a watered-down Feudal Japan experience driven more by Ubisoft’s need to virtue signal than by creating a great game. They’ve even ditched the Season Pass model, but not in a good way. The announcement of “free expansions for preorders” feels like a lazy attempt to appease gamers who are already fed up with Ubisoft’s string of failures and pandering.

Ubisoft’s Marc-Alexis Côté had the audacity to spin this delay as a positive: “We believe it’s in the best interest of the game and the player experience,” he said, which has become corporate speak for “we know you’ll hate it, but here’s more time for us to add the woke nonsense you didn’t ask for.”

The real reason for the delay? It’s obvious: the game wasn’t ready, not because of gameplay issues, but because Ubisoft is bending over backward to make sure its "progressive" narrative is front and center. Instead of focusing on delivering a deep, authentic Feudal Japan experience, they’re busy pushing divisive narratives like the inclusion of Yasuke in ways that serve their agenda rather than the story.

To make matters worse, Ubisoft is scrambling after they suddenly pulled out of the Tokyo Game Show 2024, citing “various circumstances.” It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that this is because they weren’t ready to face the Japanese gaming community with their half-baked, DEI-laden product. Fans were hoping for more gameplay footage and were instead left with the vague promise of “more polish.”

Assassin’s Creed Shadows could have been the crown jewel in the franchise. It could have been the game that finally gave us the Feudal Japan experience we’ve been begging for. But instead, Ubisoft seems more interested in virtue-signaling than actually delivering on their promises. The constant delays, the Yasuke controversy, and the focus on woke character design are leaving fans frustrated and disillusioned.

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