REPOST: World Bank documents list COVID19 as a project that runs from April 2nd 2020-March 31st 2025 (LINK in Description box)

14 hours ago

The Rothschild Zionist OPERATIVES in every country need a PLAYBOOK to KNOW each step of the SATANIC PLAN and here is another one I posted a couple years ago. Video screen recorder of the evidence so they can't just CHANGE or DELETE it. World Bank knows the DATES of the operation.

Just like the Rockefeller's "LOCKSTEP" & "SPARS" documents that PROVE the preplanned agenda of killing us all off.
This is a WORLD BANK document showing the START & END dates of COVID19 for their New World Order Minions in all countries. Document below:

Page#6 of this World Bank document- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

Expected Project Approval date= April 2nd 2020
Expected Project Closing date= March 31st 2025

I think the Canadian Truckers put a halt to these plans.

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