Tucker disparages governor Shapiro

4 months ago

"He's got bigger concerns than my geopolitical. You may not know that word, geopolitical. Trust me, Josh Shapiro has no freaking idea what that word means. But more to the point, Josh Shapiro's only job is to protect and enhance the lives of people in Redding and Pottstown and every other town in this state. Including, and I'm just gonna say it, you're gonna cheer me, including Philadelphia.
Whatever else that you can say about it is filled with American citizens. American citizens, your brothers and sisters in your common American-ness, fellow citizens. Yeah, right there. And my nephew from Philadelphia, my brother-in-law from Philadelphia, right now here, great people. And how is that city doing? I mean, it's a reliable source of political power for creeps like Josh Shapiro because it's easy to rig it in Philadelphia.
And that's what we spent all our time talking about. But what we never talk about is the zombies walking under public transportation there. And they're not zombies actually, they're Americans with names and they're dying. And he doesn't care. And giving them a safe place to shoot up is not love, it's hate. That's hate. I don't care what they call it.
That's what I mean about language. They can dress up hate as love. Oh, that's love, it's compassion. It's caring. It's harm reduction, really? Your kid comes home and is like, I'm a junkie. You're like, well, here's some needles. I'm gonna give you some you time in your room to shoot fentanyl. What? You're gonna chamber the freaking radiator until he gets better. Of course, or do whatever you can to get that child off a drug that can and will kill him.
You would never make it easier for your kid to kill himself. And that's exactly what they're doing. And then they're lecturing you about harm reduction. You're evil, actually. That's how I feel when I hear that, having lost a lot of people I love to drugs. I bet there's not one person in this room who doesn't know someone who's died from drugs. You think Josh Shapiro stays up late worrying about that? No. He stays up late worrying that Ukraine doesn't have enough weapons of mass destruction to win some unwinnable war. You're evil if that's your concern. So the only way you judge people is by the effects of what they do. You judge the tree by the fruit. And you can say, well, I'm a lemon tree. I'm a lemon tree. Bright orange tart, but delicious with diet Coke. I'm a lemon tree. Really? Because those are pomegranates, honey.
Those aren't lemons, you're lying! You are not a lemon tree, those are pomegranates. I know because there's the fruit. You can tell me you care about the people of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, but they're dying of drug ODs and you're doing nothing other than sending more weapons of mass destruction to some creepy guy in a tracksuit.
That's the other thing that enraged me and I didn't expect to give a speech like this because I'm really trying to cool the temperature and remind all of us that we're all Americans and we all have something in common. But it just spun me up so completely watching that grinning ghoul with that other grinning ghoul signing an artillery shell. He's never seen one go off. I have. And anybody who takes delight in the death of civilians is a freak. That's just a fact."

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