(2009) "Conspiracy Theory" with Jesse Ventura & Dr. Rima Laibow - Mandatory Vaccination 💉💉💉

5 months ago

Dr. Rima Laibow recalls the story of how she woke up to this "KILLSHOT GENOCIDE" planned future event to kill off most of the USELESS EATER (Goyim) when she was treating a European Head of State back in 2002/2003 in her private international medical practice.

This was back when Jesse Ventura was BASED and a recurring guest on Alex Jones show exposing the elite. He is a complete SHILL now unfortunately. Maybe it is his politics of being LEFT leaning? IDK.

Dr. Rima Laibow was a somewhat recurring guest on the Alex Jones show before this 2009 episode. Dr. Rima Laibow's husband was Major General Albert N. Stubblebine who she claims was MURDERED by the US Government after retiring as he only began to QUESTION 9/11 after his wife Rima began to tell him the EVIDENCE and to WAKE HIM UP.

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