Just 5 nights of sleep deprivation can induce full-blown pre-diabetes

2 months ago

Dr. Casey Means: "I didn't learn that there are more than 80,000 toxins that have entered our food, water, air, and homes by industry, many of which are banned in Europe, and they are known to alter our gene expression, alter our microbiome composition, and the lining of our gut, and disrupt our hormones. I didn't learn that heavy metals like aluminum and lead are present in our food, our baby formula, personal care products, our soil, and many of the mandated medications like vaccines, and that these metals are neurotoxic and inflammatory.
I didn't learn that the average American walks a paltry 3,500 steps per day, even though we know, based on science and top journals, that walking 7,000 steps a day slashes by 40 to 60 percent our risk of Alzheimer's, dementia, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and obesity. I certainly did not learn that medical error and medications are the third leading cause of death in the United States.
I didn't learn that just five nights of sleep deprivation can induce full-blown pre-diabetes. I learned nothing about sleep. And we're getting about 20% less sleep on average than we were 100 years ago. I didn't learn that American children are getting less time outdoors now than a maximum security prisoner. And on average, adults spend 93% of their time indoors, even though we know from the science that separation from sunlight destroys our circadian biology and circadian biology dictates our cellular biology."

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