Colossi of Memnon - Money of the Ancients - Why did the Ancient Egyptian empire fall?

4 months ago

True art doesn't come cheap. This mega ancient wonder of the modern world has a price tag not fitted for multi trillionaire to buy. Luxor, a precious prime real estate, houses a treasure of colossal buildings that no archaeologists can put their finger on who were the true master builders of it's time.

These silent sedentary giants offers so much more than just a barren desert waste land of nothingness. It houses one of the most brilliant pieces of artwork that will turn any art connoisseur on it's head. This open air museum not only comes with these two giant stand alone statues, it also housed a mega mortuary temple commissioned by Amenhotep III.

Its quite extraordinary to take the archaeologists, historians and Egyptologists word for it as there is very insufficient evidence to support this notion. It's not surprising to learn that Amenhotep III may not have sustained a majestic empire of sheer magnitude if it wasn't for their abusive powers that corrupted it's centralised monetary system.

No matter where you source the background information, no archaeologist, historian and Egyptologist will tell you this; the ancient Egyptian royal elite were not highly savvy entrepreneurs who managed to run their empire into the ground. If they were resourceful with the treasury coffers, they would not have gone into deficit spending. So, how is it possible they could've accumulated and sustained an abundance of resources without financing war, poverty and slaves powered by a centralised entity? The answer may lie in the ancient ruin right behind the giant statues stand.

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