THE NEPHILIM~ Giants Survived The Flood

4 months ago

Legends tell of mountains as the petrified remains of ancient giants and world trees long forgotten by time.
Rhese jagged peaks and stump like formations are remnants of a primeval world where giants roamed, and towering trees stretched between heaven and earth...
I pull in resolution and begin to doubt th'
TIMESTAMPS: equintaties like truthend,
That lies like truth.
"Fear not till Birnam wood
0:00 Introduction o come to Dunsinane,"
and now a wood come toward Dunsinane.
1:58 Stone Tree
Arm, arm.
and out!
If this which he avouches does appear, there is nor
7:10 World Tree ing hence nor tarrying here.
- Macbeth, Act 5, Scene 5, p9.179
12:42 Stone Gianturce: Macbeth (1971)
16:16 The Truth
20:33 Fantasy
24:37 Ireland
32:55 Onodrim
36:21 Scripture
40:24 Conclusion

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